Workout 05-25

May 25th, 2017

It is cool and rainy so we’ll keep moving, and keep rests short.

2X1600 @LT

2X1200 @LT -(2-3 per 400)

1X800 @ LT – (6 per 400)

100 meter or 60 second rest between everything.

LT = lactate threshold or the pace you could sustain for a 1 hour race.  About 30 slower per mile than your 5k race pace, 15 per mile slower than 10k race pace.

For those who are newer, we’ll reduce the volume or length of the intervals on a case by case basis.

Workout 05-18

May 18th, 2017

8-12 x 400 (200 rest between everything)


3@5k -2



It is going to be hot, we’ll go slower, take some more rest and drink water.  I will not be participating with my normal group

Workout 05-11

May 11th, 2017

Continuing our 10k effort for another week.

3-6 X 1200 @ 10k (200 rest)

Last 400 of the last interval drop to 5k pace.




Workout 05-04

May 4th, 2017

Thousands with the last one progressively faster.

3-5X1000 @ 10k 200 rest between everything

1X1000 (400 @10k, 400@5k, 200@3k)

Total number of 1ks depending on MPW





Workout 04-27-2017

April 26th, 2017

First outdoor workout of 2017.  If you ran Boston, you should avoid hard workouts, no track for at least one more week preferably two.

4-7 X (800@10k pace) 200 rest between everything


4 X 200 @ mile 200 rest.

Number of 800’s is based on your weekly mileage.

4= 30mpw





Workout 10-06

October 6th, 2016

We’re meeting at 6:00 tonight.

3-5 X 1600@LT 100 meter rest

Workout 09-29

September 29th, 2016

2X1600 @ LT

2X1200 @ LT – 2 sec per 400

1X800 @ LT – 4 sec per 400

Short 100 rest between everything.

Drop 1 of the 1200’s if you’re doing less than 30 mpw

Workout 09-22

September 21st, 2016

I will not be at the track this Thursday, here is a workout you can do.

400, 600, 800, 1200, 800, 600, 400

400/600@ 5k pace

800/1200@10k pace

200 rest after everything.

For Stan and Sheree and Ray drop the second 800, 600 and do (Sheree and Stan, 1:58 a lap 5k, 2:02 a lap 10k)

400, 600, 800, 1200, 400

Workout 09-15

September 15th, 2016

3-5X1000 @ 10k 200 rest

Do 1 for every 10 miles a week you run.

Workout 09-08

September 8th, 2016

6 X 800 (3@10k, 2@8k, 1@5k) 200 rest

Then 400 rest

4X200 @ mile 200 rest