Archive for August, 2014

Workout 08-28

Thursday, August 28th, 2014

It is going to be warm, so we’ll do shorter faster intervals.

10-12X400 rest 200 after each one.

Split these into 4 sets, so if you were doing 12.

4@5k Pace

4@5k -2-3 seconds

4@5k -4-5 seconds (3k pace)

4@5k- 6-8 seconds (almost mile pace)

Target 6% of your weekly mileage  50Mpw = 12  40Mpw =10

Workout 08-21

Thursday, August 21st, 2014

3-5X1000 @ 10k Pace (200 Jog recovery 2 min)

600 rest then

4X400 @ 5k Pace – 3k pace (200 Jog recovery 2 min)

run 2 seconds faster each 400

Do 1×1000 for each 10 miles you run a week.  3=30 MPW, 5=50 MPW.

If you’re racing Sat, do 1/2 -1/3 your normal volume

Workout 08-14

Thursday, August 14th, 2014

4-6×800 @ 10k 200 rest between each

400 jog rest after the set

4×400 @ starting at 5k pace and going 2 seconds faster a lap till you get to mile-3k pace.  200 rest after each.

Base the number of 800’s on your MPW 4=40 5=50 6=60

Workout 08-07

Thursday, August 7th, 2014

2-4 X 1 Mile @ LT 60-90 second rest.

400 rest

4X400 @ 5k 200 rest


Target 10% of your weekly mileage # of miles plus the 400s.

2 = 30 mpw

3 = 40 mpw

4 = 50 mpw


For inspiration we’ll be channeling Molly Huddle and Shannon Rowbury, at the 5k USA finals