Archive for July, 2013

Workout 8-1

Wednesday, July 31st, 2013

I am away a running camp in VT, learning lots. We will be dining lots of new stuff when I return. In my abscence here is a workout you can do. 


Warm up stride as etc

4-7 x (800m @ 10K, 200m jog, 400m @ 5K, full recovery [400m jog]).


Target 8% of weekly mileage: 40 mpw = 4-5, 50 mpw = 5-6, 60 mpw = 6-7 sets.


Thursday, July 25th, 2013

It is cool for a change, so we’ll take the opportunity to do some tempo.

Warm up 15-20 minutes.

6-8 x 100 strides

3-4 X 1 Mile @ LT 60-90 second jog rest.


2 X 400 @ 5k pace 200 rest

Target about 10% of your weekly mileage.


Workout 7-18

Thursday, July 18th, 2013

I wont be at the workout this week I’m camping with my family in NH.  Here is a possible workout depending on the heat.

This week:

Everyone 15-20 minute warm up very slow

6×100 strides (focus on form you should be completely recovered between each one)

Those doing 30 or more miles per week.

3-6 x (800 @10k, 400 @5k) 200 rest between 800/400.  400 rest between sets.

Target 8% of your weekly mileage, for the interval portion.

30 miles a week = 3

40 miles a week = 4

15 minute warm down

Workout 7/11

Tuesday, July 9th, 2013

We had a tough workout in the heat last week.  We slowed a bit and cut the number of intervals we were doing.  It is important to be flexible and not stick to a plan regardless of the conditions.

Since it seems the heat wave has broken we’ll take the opportunity to do some longer intervals.  I’m sure we’ll be back to short stuff in no time.

Everyone 15-20 minute warm up very slow

8×100 strides (focus on form you should be completely recovered between each one)

Group A:  Those doing 30 or more miles per week.

2×1600 @LT

2×1200 @LT -2 seconds per lap

1×800 @LT -4  seconds per lap

(60 – 90 seconds between each, a very slow walk jog 100 meters)

Above if your LT pace is 7:00/mile

1600@ 1:45 per 400

1200@ 1:43 per 400

800 @ 1:41 per 400


Group B: Those new to track workouts and doing less than 30 miles per week.

2x(400,200,200) @ Repetition pace (mile race pace)

Equal distance recovery between each interval.

If you can’t maintain the pace without getting angry then your workout is over, do a warm down, you’ve done enough.

Everyone: Do a warm down of at least 10-15 minutes.

Workout 07-04

Wednesday, July 3rd, 2013

Independence day.  I will be there, I know at least a few have expressed some interest.

There were some great 1 mile races, last week.  It is going to be hot out, so adjust your paces accordingly.  We’ll go a bit shorter and faster due to the heat

Warm up 15-20 minutes

5X400 @ 5k pace  200 rest

5X300 @ 3k pace  200 rest

5X200 @ mile pace  200 rest

5X100 @ 800 pace 100 rest

Cool down 15-20 mintes

That is a total of about 3 miles of work, if you’re doing 30-50 miles a week you should be able to handle that volume.

If you’re doing less than 30 miles, do the 400s and 2-3 300s.

I know at least Joe and Ed are coming.  They’ve both recently raced, so we can figure out their splits.


5k 6:24, (96 per 400)

3k (92 per 400) (1:09 300)

1 mile (88 per 400) (44 200)



5k 6:06, (92 per 400)

3k (88 per 400) (1:06 300)

1 mile (84 per 400) (42 200)

An easy way to figure your paces for each of the intervals is do the 5k pace.  Then subtract 2 seconds per 200, 4 seconds per 400 for each of the sets.

See you at 6:30