We had a tough workout in the heat last week. We slowed a bit and cut the number of intervals we were doing. It is important to be flexible and not stick to a plan regardless of the conditions.
Since it seems the heat wave has broken we’ll take the opportunity to do some longer intervals. I’m sure we’ll be back to short stuff in no time.
Everyone 15-20 minute warm up very slow
8×100 strides (focus on form you should be completely recovered between each one)
Group A: Those doing 30 or more miles per week.
2×1600 @LT
2×1200 @LT -2 seconds per lap
1×800 @LT -4 seconds per lap
(60 – 90 seconds between each, a very slow walk jog 100 meters)
Above if your LT pace is 7:00/mile
1600@ 1:45 per 400
1200@ 1:43 per 400
800 @ 1:41 per 400
Group B: Those new to track workouts and doing less than 30 miles per week.
2x(400,200,200) @ Repetition pace (mile race pace)
Equal distance recovery between each interval.
If you can’t maintain the pace without getting angry then your workout is over, do a warm down, you’ve done enough.
Everyone: Do a warm down of at least 10-15 minutes.