Archive for June, 2016

Mile time trial results 06-16-2016

Thursday, June 23rd, 2016


Runner 400 800 1200 1600 Final
Rob 83 86 84 83 5:36
Dave 86 89 89 56 5:51
Katherine 88 93 96 DNF
Courtney 90 92 96 93 6:11
Matt 92 94 94 93 6:12
Chris 87 106 103 105 6:44

Workout 06-23

Thursday, June 23rd, 2016

Since most of us are doing the 26×1 mile race on Saturday, we don’t want to excessively fatigue ourselves today.

8-10 X 200@Mile pace 200 rest.

This will be enough to give us a little speed, and dial in your mile pace, but not enough to wear us out.


If you’re not doing the Mile Saturday and want a full workout. You can just add some volume.

16-20 X 200 @ Mile is a good one.

Workout 06-16

Thursday, June 16th, 2016

Mile time trial.

Afterward we’ll do some medium- easy 200’s

Please see the previous post about attacking the Mile.

Workout 06-09

Thursday, June 2nd, 2016

This is a split workout 1/2 VO2 1/2 Repetition

1X800@5k 400 rest

2X600@3k 400 rest

3X400@Mile 400 rest

4X200@Mile-800 200 rest