Archive for the ‘Workout’ Category

Workout 08-03

Thursday, August 3rd, 2017

It is hot, and the days are getting shorter so we’ll try to sneak another trail fartlek in.

8-10 X (2min on 2 min off) pace 5kish effort


Workout 07-13

Thursday, July 13th, 2017

Last week it seemed everyone was in a group of 1.  Lets this week try to get into semi homogeneous groups, even if it means your a second or two fast or slower than your pacing charts indicate.

5-8 X 800 @ 8k pace, 200 rest, do your last one at 5k pace.

Number is dependedant on your weekly mileage and relative experience with track workouts.  About 8% of your weekly mileage in intervals of this speed is about right.


5=30 mpw

6-7=40 mpw

7-8 = >5o mpw

Workout 07-06

Thursday, July 6th, 2017

Its hot we’ll go short.

5 x 400m @ 5K,

5 x 300m @ 5K-2 (or -3),

5 x 200m @ 5K-4 (or -6); all with 200m jog.

5 x 100m @ about 5K-6 (or -8) pace w/ 100m jog.

Paces are all 400 paces when we go down, we’ll go 2-3 seconds faster per 400.

Workout 06-29

Thursday, June 29th, 2017

We’ll head back into the woods and do a Fartlek

3X (3min, 2min, 1min) equal time rest (3min 10kish, 2min 5kish, 1 min 3kish)

Workout 06-22

Thursday, June 22nd, 2017

4-8 X600 @ 5k

4 X400 @ 3k

200 rest between everything

Total should be about 8% of your weekly mileage.  Number of 600 repeats below.

30 = 4

40 = 6

50 = 8

Workout 06-15

Thursday, June 15th, 2017

Tonight we head into the woods.

We’ll be doing a Fartlek on the trails.  We’ll run the first loop together easy so we know the way.

Then do 8-12 x 2 min on 2 min off (effort should be about 5k ish)

We’ll try to regroup during the recovery portion.

Workout 06-08

Thursday, June 8th, 2017

4-6 x 400 @ 3k

2 x 400 @ mile

4 x 200 @ mile-800

200 rest between everything

Workout 06/01

Thursday, June 1st, 2017

With some warmer weather and a 26×1 mile race coming up for many people we’ll do some faster stuff.

This is what is called a Repetition workout, key is good form, full recovery, and evenly paced laps.

4X400 @ 1 mile pace 400 rest

8X200 @ 1 mile pace (can get a little faster) 200 rest.

1 mile race pace is about 30 per mile faster than 5k pace.

Workout 05-25

Thursday, May 25th, 2017

It is cool and rainy so we’ll keep moving, and keep rests short.

2X1600 @LT

2X1200 @LT -(2-3 per 400)

1X800 @ LT – (6 per 400)

100 meter or 60 second rest between everything.

LT = lactate threshold or the pace you could sustain for a 1 hour race.  About 30 slower per mile than your 5k race pace, 15 per mile slower than 10k race pace.

For those who are newer, we’ll reduce the volume or length of the intervals on a case by case basis.

Workout 05-18

Thursday, May 18th, 2017

8-12 x 400 (200 rest between everything)


3@5k -2



It is going to be hot, we’ll go slower, take some more rest and drink water.  I will not be participating with my normal group