We’ll have a smaller group due to many people running lake Winni this weekend.
warm up 15-20 min
6×100 strides
2×3 miles @ MP -10 sec per mile. (4-6 min jog rest between)
For this one if you’re doing it at pine banks I’d recommend doing 800 at the track to get the pace down then do a complete lap of the Pine banks, it is almost exactly 2.5 miles. You want to keep the pace as smooth and relaxed as possible.
Road Racers:
4-6 X 1200 @ LT pace (60-90 second rest)
1×800 First lap at 5k pace 2nd lap at 3k pace.
Those doing less than 20 miles a week:
10-15 min cool down.
I’ll be there, although I may bug-out a little early this week.
I’ll be there. Will probably start a little bit earlier for my warmup. Thanks Mike.
I am out tonight.