Workouts 7-07 and 7-14

I’m on vacation the next two weeks.  So I’m providing some workouts if you’d like to get together and do the track workouts.


Warm up 15-20 min
6 X 100 strides
3-6 X (1000, 400) (10k, 5k) (rest 200 jog after the 1k, 400 after the 400)

Do 1 set for every 10 miles you run per week.

30 = 3
40 = 4
50 = 5
Cool down 10-15 min.


This next one we don’t do too much of it is called a V02 Max workout, this is done at a faster pace than you’re accustomed to, but with longer rest. The rest should be
about the same time as the time of the interval, so 1/2 the distance at a slow jog works well.

Warm up 15-20 min
6 X 100 strides
3-6 X (800 5k pace (400 rest) 400 3k pace (200 Rest))

Target 8% of your weekly Mileage, one set per 10 miles a week.

30 = 3
40 = 4
50 = 5
Cool down 10-15 min.

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