Workout 5/2

I’m interested to hear peoples reaction to last weeks workout, recovery time soreness or not, you can post in the coments etc…

Everyone 15-20 minute warm up very slow

8×100 strides (focus on form you should be completely recovered between each one)

Group A:  Those doing 30 or more miles per week.

2×1600 @LT

2×1200 @LT -2 seconds per lap

1×800 @LT -4  seconds per lap

(60 – 90 seconds between each)

Above if your LT pace is 7:00/mile

1600@ 1:45 per 400

1200@ 1:43 per 400

800 @ 1:41 per 400


Group B: Those new to track workouts and doing less than 30 miles per week.

2x(400,200,200) @ Repetition pace (mile race pace)

Last week most people were between 48-52 per 200, so we’ll start a little slower than that for the 400’s

Equal distance recovery between each interval.

If you can’t maintain the pace without getting angry then your workout is over, do a warm down, you’ve done enough.

Everyone don’t get lazy, do a warm down of at least 10-15 minutes.


9 Responses to “Workout 5/2”

  1. Jennifer Rapaport says:

    Mike, I will be at the workout this week. Sorry I missed the first couple but had conflicts. I will be doing the Group A workout. Jen

    • MikeUrquiola says:

      Excellent Jen, Ed will enjoy the company, he did last weeks mostly solo.

  2. andy says:


    I was away last week but will try to make it this week.


  3. Larry Donoghue says:

    Mike: I will be there. Larry

  4. Jennifer Rapaport says:

    Mike, FYI in case I forget to tell you tonight, I sent an email to the Recreation Head of the Melrose High School and also the two track coaches about posting some usage signs at the new track and they all 3 responded that they will be putting up signs in the near term which give some track etiquette pointers such as no baby carraiges or bicycles either at all, or at least in the inner lanes. I was informed by a couple Melrose runners that they can’t even use the track due to women walking with baby carraiges 3 abreast on the inner lanes and kids bicycling while their mother’s power walk. I love to see people out exercising but perhaps they need to just know that the outer lanes would be appreciated…but in any case…the Pine Banks team and the MHS Rec. Head are on the case. Jen

    • MikeUrquiola says:

      Good idea it was a little crazy last week with the number of walkers, bike riders etc..

  5. Dorota Bulik says:

    Thanks for the workout Mike. It was challenging, but very satisfying.

  6. Jennifer Rapaport says:

    I second Dorota…thanks Mike. Everyone looked great out on the track!

  7. Joe Winslow says:

    Great job Coach Mike! Thanks for voulnteering your time and your knowledge!