Not Everyone can complete this program in ten weeks.
If you need more time, take it!
You're on your own schedule and nobody is judging you!

1 WALK 4 minutes, RUN 2 minutes
Repeat four more times per workout
for a total of 30 minutes of walking and running.
2 WALK 3 minutes, RUN 3 minutes
Repeat four more times.
3 WALK 2½ minutes, RUN 5 minutes
Repeat three more times.
4 WALK 3 minutes, RUN 7 minutes
Repeat two more times.
5 WALK 2 minutes, RUN 8 minutes
Repeat two more times.
6 WALK 2 minutes, RUN 9 minutes
Repeat once more then run for 8 minutes.
7 WALK 1 minutes, RUN 9 minutes
Repeat two more times.
8 WALK 2 minutes, RUN 13 minutes
Repeat once more.
9 WALK 1 minute, RUN 14 minutes
Repeat once more.
10 RUN 30 minutes
Pat yourself on the back, YOU DID IT!.
You should repeat these workouts three times per week

TIP: You should always be able to carry on a conversation while you are running. If you can't, you're going too fast.

Apr 22, 2025

Fill out an MRC membership application to join

If you would like to download a Melrose Running Club Membership Application, you will need the Adobe Acrobat Reader installed.

For more information e-mail:
Melrose Running Club - PO Box 761022 - Melrose, Massachusetts - JimCarson@MelroseRunningClub.com