Last week we had a handful of runners go out for a 16 miler run. I missed the run thus there was no traditional “Does everyone know where they’re going?” bellowed out. Dan and Pate got most of it right, however they turned the 16 miler into a 17.5 miler by taking one wrong turn.
This week we have MikeU running Providence (Go Mike!) and Dan doing an 18 miler four weeks before Vermont City. So what should we run this week? Options are :
The Melrose Half with one water stop at Highland Ave for 13 miles.
Horn Pond again on a sunny warm morning with 2 water stops.
The Week6 16 miler shortcut to 13 miles with 2 waterstops.
Any of these will require some water stop coordination and extra miles by Dan.
Also to throw a monkey wrench into this, I may not be there again this week. Let me know what you want to do while I go and figure out what I’m gonna do.
Who’s in? And for what?
Sorry, can’t make it this Sunday either.
I’m not sure how far I will go but I’m planning on being there, Maybe
Hmm, small crowd so far. Just an update, I’ll be helping out the Cape Relay team by picking up a few legs tomorrow and Sunday. Without me there, you’ll have to figure out your own water stops again this week. You did great last week, I’m sure you can pull it off again this week. Pick a route, park a car and run, run, run!
See most of you Tuesday.
I can set up anywhere for a waterstop. Lemme know and I’ll be there.
I am available for a water stop too. I will do a few miles. I think Dan should make the call as to the route. What do you think Dan?
Sorry, but I’m out. We decided to go to Maine and take advantage of
the good weather. ? If I don’t do the run on tuesday can I still come by
and hang out? I miss seeing everyone and I help teach a cardio kickboxing class at 6:00 so I would not make the run. I can come in my
“sweaty” clothes so I will fit in. Just let me know
Have a good run sunday.
Barry, how is Lauren feeling?
Looks like I’m off earlier than expected also, so will miss the run. Michele, you don’t have to run to come on by! Hope to see you.
Lauren’s been getting better. She has been able to do more each week, with less discomfort.
I’ll be at Brueggers at 8AM. I’ll bring some water and a Gu or two for the runners, if anyone shows up.