What are you wearing?

Running is just part of what happens each Sunday. Besides putting in the miles we should also be using this time to accumulate knowledge to help plan for race day. Through trial and error you should figure out what works best for you. By running in a group you don’t have to figure this out all on our own. Suggestions and experiences of others can shed light on things to try as well as things not to try. Let’s try to share some of that here, this week concentrating on dressing for the weather.

Before every run you might notice everyone checking each other out. It’s not because we’re so good looking, its because everyone is trying to figure out what to wear. The weather is one of the biggest external influences on a run, possibly the thing people use most as an excuse for a bad run. So how can we minimize the effects of the weather on our runs? Know what’s coming and dress for it!

This week is forecast to be a cold and windy winter day so being prepared is crucial. I’ve added the forecast for the upcoming Sunday Morning on the sidebar of the blog. This gives you some idea of what to expect for conditions. We’re also lucky to have a meteorologist in our midst to give us more detailed weather updates and possible things to prepare for.

Now that you have some idea of what the weather is you might still not know what to wear. I’ve included a link to a useful tool from Runners World: WHAT TO WEAR. Using the predicted weather and your personal preferences for running warm or cool it suggests what layers to wear. Give it a try and see what you think, it might take some of the guess work and anxiety out of getting dressed on Sunday morning.

If anybody has any tips for dressing for the weather please post them here.

6 Responses to “What are you wearing?”

  1. Rick Collette says:

    Hello to all,

    I plan to do the water stop again this week. Dress to be warm!

  2. liz tassinari says:

    can do a waterstop too…..

  3. Nick Lamberti says:


    I have been sick in bed for two days with head cold! Not sure if I can run Sunday but I am willing to do a rolling water stop!

  4. Walter Drag says:

    I like the link Jim…might be good to have handy somewhere on the website. I wish they had NWS link attached for weather but thats not our choice. However, we hope the NWS (your tax dollars) is first choice.

    I put in 25 0-10 wind and sun. BUT…thats a bit optimistic. I think the answer will be more like 23F, 15MPH wind. The sun will be shining.

    When comparing to last Sunday, noticeably colder… but this will not be Green Bay this Sunday evening.

    If you ran this (Saturday) morning (19th)… it will be colder!

    We’re lucky we’re going early. Our Monday morning holiday recovery run, I will delay til midday…the worst of the chill will be Monday morning near dawn. If anyone wants to do Deer island with me Monday… come on over. Pancakes after. In the meantime…

    Dress appropriately. a balaclava is handy to have to shield the face from potential wind burn or frostbite, also allows breathing our own warm moisture, good for those with asthmatic condition… its not the cold air that is harmful its the dryness.

    For me: tights, wind boxer shorts, insulated shirt and a wind breaker, wool socks, possibly wind breaker pants but not likely. Balaclava and MITTENS (much better than finger gloves) We need to run well in these conditions and cant take the day off. This will not be the worst day of the winter by far.


  5. Joanne Piper says:

    I will bring some hand warmer packs left from last year- have a few to share and put in mittens. I will definitely wear wool socks and a hat vs. just an earband!

  6. Sue Clough says:

    Does anyone have a belly warmer?

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