Weeks 4 and 5 – Horn Pond then Breakheart

This week you have one of my favorite runs of the season. Unfortunately for me I won’t be available to run it. Unfortunately for you I won’t be here to organize it. So…. who’s in charge? I need a few volunteers to take over the long run for the next two weeks. We need someone to coordinate (making sure water stops are covered, collecting money, paying for the water stop supplies, reminding people of the ruote) and a few people to help with water stops (buying supplies, dropping off cars, and transporting to and from Brueggers ).  For all of those that have benefited from this program, here’s a great opportunity to give back!

Enjoy these two awesome training runs! Good luck, and thanks!

42 Responses to “Weeks 4 and 5 – Horn Pond then Breakheart”

  1. Mike Quigley says:

    If someone can leave a car at the water stop in Stoneham, I can pick them up and bring them back to the start. I plan on doing the sorter distance.

  2. Mike Quigley says:

    Correction, I think I meant shorter distance, not sorter. Maybe Sara Phelan can use this in her next speach

  3. Maryanne Martin says:

    I will not be running on Sunday but can cover the Eugene St. water stop until 10:30 AM. Just need some advice regarding supplies, arrival/setup time, etc.

  4. Brian Walfield says:

    I won’t be around this week but I should be next week.

  5. Barry Petzold says:

    Ill be there!

    Maryanne, Ill bring supplies to Brueggers. Will you be there around 8?

  6. Maryanne Martin says:

    Thanks Barry. I’ll be at Brueggers at 8AM.

    Do you have everything or are there additional items that I may need to pick up?

  7. Dave Hayes says:

    I won’t be able to make it this Sunday.

  8. Haecha says:

    I’m also around to help with the water stops. Barry how many stops are there in this route?

  9. Nick Lamberti says:

    Hi Guys!

    I told Jim that I would help coordinate this Sunday but due to surgery on my right leg last Monday I am on the shelf. You are in very capable hands with Barry & Mike Q.

    Also, new member Ian Menchini plans to run with the SLR group this Sunday. Please make sure he is paired up with someone since he just moved to Melrose & might not be familiar with the area & routes.

    Thanks & have fun!

  10. Joe Terranova says:

    Cannot go tomorrow so ran it today. Hope the weather is as good as it was this morning. Have a great run!

  11. Beth Dunne says:

    I’ll be there for the long run. It sounds like water stops might be set, but let me know if I can be of help.

  12. Lee Romprey says:

    I’m in for the full.

  13. Audrey Hanscom says:

    I’m in for the shorter route.

  14. Kristen says:

    I think Anthony and I will meet up with everyone to do the middle 7 of the long route.

  15. diana mirabello says:

    I’m in for the full

  16. Amy Akland says:

    I’m planning on joining you all. I’m a first time MRCer. Looking forward to it.

  17. Amy Akland says:

    joining for the shorter route, that is.

  18. Dorota Bulik says:

    I’m in for the long. I can do the water stop at the Horn Pond. Someone will need to pick me up and drop me off after. I’d need supplies, wont make it to the store between now and morning, I fear.

  19. Barry Petzold says:

    Ill buy supplies in the morning for WS1 and 2.

    Dorota, do you still need a ride? If so, call me tomorrow morning around 7 or so and we can coordinate.

  20. Dorota Bulik says:

    Yes, I’d need a ride. Call me at 617-515-4875 in the morning and we’ll coordinate.

  21. Haecha says:

    Barry I can do the Horn Pond water stop? I just need to know where it is?No need to have Dorota part her car. I can get the things from you in the morning from Bruegger’s?

  22. Dorota Bulik says:

    Thanks Haecha. This will be a big help. We usually have a water stop on the main parking lot off of Lake Ave as you go from Winchester bear left and the parking lot will be on your right.

  23. Mike Quigley says:

    WEEK 5
    I am in for the 6.3

  24. Haecha says:

    Week 5/ Planning on running Saturday morning so I’m available to help with the water stops. I’ll be at Bruegger’s in the morning so just let me know where I should park my car…. See everyone Sunday!

  25. Gwen says:

    Gwen here from Somerville Road Runners. Thanks for having me last weekend! Diana and AJ are you guys planning to run the full this Sunday? Thanks.

  26. Dorota Bulik says:

    In for the full. Love Breakheart……
    Thanks Haecha for volunteering with the water stops.

  27. Brian Walfield says:

    I’m in for the full. Thanks Haecha! We’ll just need a water stop at Wakefield high for the long runners. If we have people doing the shorter distance it might be good to have something at the corner of the fellsway and main st. in Saugus. That’s close to the half way point for them. I can drop stuff off there in the morning if needed.

  28. Haecha says:

    Sounds good!

  29. Sue Clough says:

    I’m in for the full, hoping I make it. Joanne and Janice will do a pre Brueggers run to get a start early.

  30. Dave Hayes says:

    Full for me. Thank you Haecha and Brian.

  31. Catherine Kane says:

    Hi, in for the full, thanks Haecha for the water stop!

  32. Catherine Kane says:

    And thanks, Brian!

  33. Brian Walfield says:

    i spoke to Barry. He won’t be around in the morning so I’ll meet up with him tonight for supplies and pick up whatever else we need.

  34. Ed Bradford says:

    See everyone in the morning – I’m in for the full.

  35. michele deangelo says:

    I’m in for the full. Oh no, Breakheart already!

  36. Haecha says:

    Thanks Brian! I get the supplies from you in the morning. So I’ll be at the Wakefield High School spot first? Do you the longer runners go by me twice? Should I move? And what about the shorter distance runners? Don’t want to leave them out? I guess we can figure this all out in the morning. \

  37. Haecha says:

    I need to spell check my entries!

  38. Maryanne Martin says:

    In for the half.

  39. Sue Worrall says:

    I will stop down in the AM to see if we need another water stop.

  40. Joanne Piper says:

    Doing the full… very slowly, but getting a head start again with Janice. Hope to see everyone at the end. Thanks to the water stop peeps!

  41. Audrey Hanscom says:

    I am in for the half.

  42. Jpse Viveiros says:

    I am for the full. Thanks Volunteers.

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