Week 9 – Where’s Walto?!

 As the rest of us prepare for a possible tropical storm Sunday Run there will be one runner missing. By the time we set out into whatever weather Hanna decides to drop on us Walt will have completed his early fall marathon in France! This is truely a unique marathon experience at Marathon du Medoc:
 The day of the Marathon, with the show before the departure, the events during the race with over 90% of runners in disguise, some 52 other events alongside the race, 22 refreshment stands, 21 food stands and special gourmet stands (oysters, ham, steak, cheese, ice cream, Medoc attic, etc.) and the presence of hundreds of disguised and delighted school children. -Marathon du Medoc website

This article in Forbes describes what Walt is in for over the next few days, it doesn’t seem we should be expecting any stories of PRs on his return.  This race seems to be more along the lines of our Summer Solstice Run than an international marathon, lots of fun, lots of alcohol, and lots of running. Bon Chance Walt! Can’t wait to hear the stories.

Oh, in the meantime the rest of us still have some training to do. Hanna or not, we’ll be going for 20 this week while the shorter route runners will be doing 10. There will be 5 water stops along the way (half marathon training can start and end at Friendly’s again if they want to run deeper into the route). Paul Donahue has graciously offered his home to substitute as water stop 2. Judi, Nancy, Rick and Ed have also offered to help do water stops. I think this should cover it for us but the plan is yet to be figured out… Ed, let me know what section you want to run and I’ll figure out who needs to be where and how they’ll get the supplies.

Let me know if you plan on coming… Roll Call!
See you Sunday,

31 Responses to “Week 9 – Where’s Walto?!”

  1. Catherine Kane says:

    HI, I’ll be there! I’m at work studying the map for the 20 miler!
    Hope the weather is OK!

  2. Lois Parker Carmona says:

    I’m in. Does the same rule apply to weather as does to hills… love Hanna and she’ll love you back?

    Love the Where’s Walt-o!

  3. Judi Chiavetta says:

    Ready or not…here we come! Just let me know where to set up my water stop and who I am coordinating with for transport. I’ll bring paddles just in case!

  4. Jen Randall says:

    Hi all,

    I plan to be there but literally praying that sunday morning is not raining!!!!!! I hope to complete the 10 miles.. Biting my nails already..See you then!!

  5. Denyce Curis says:

    I will be there for the 10. Jen, Donna, Joceyln and I have been emailing each other this morning… right now it appears the four of us (or an probably Kevin) will be joining in at Friendly’s.
    See you Sunday – crossing my fingers for dry weather!

  6. Leah Willett says:

    I will be there for the 10 miles, Jocelyn just let me know that we are joining in at Friendly’s. Don’t worry my prediction is Hannah blows out to sea.

  7. Jocelyn Stanick says:

    Kevin and I will be there! We’ll start and end at Friendly’s and will be there by 8:20. It looks like it’s closer to 11 miles… I better eat my Wheaties that morning! Fingers crossed that the rain subsides by morning!

  8. Kelly Walsh says:

    I’m in for 20. Where is Walt when we need a weather report?

  9. Barry Petzold says:

    I should be there for the 20. May have a few friends joining.

  10. Carol Carstensen says:

    I plan on being there. I had so much fun last week, I wouldn’t want to miss it.

  11. Donna Leggiero says:

    I am in for 10 + and am planning to meet at Friendly’s. I am keeping my fingers crossed for the rain. Love the Where’s Walto!

  12. Jennifer Rapaport says:

    I will be hoping to complete the 20 miler. I can provide a car stop or pick someone up from one….I would rather have one of the stops closest to my house as I am NOT a morning person. I can bring water, Gatorade, GUs to whomever I am picking up…let me know. jrapaport@hotmail.com I will be checking this site and email tomorrow on and off.

  13. Julie D'Andrea says:

    I’ll start at Bruggers and do 10.

    I could do a water stop, or just park my car in a secret location and lock all the doors.

  14. Dave McCaldon says:

    I’ll be there for the 10.

  15. Rock Collette says:

    Water, water everywhere and yes there will be some to drink! I am available from 7:45 untill when ever. I still have 4 gallons of water from last week and some GU. I will pick up some more GU and some Gatoraide.

    Say, wasn’t there a movie about Hanna and her sisters?

    See ya,


  16. Sue Clough says:

    Not sure how much I am running, still nursing ankle tendinitis. 🙁 I will probably help out Nancy w/ waterstop. LOVE the Where’s Walto!

  17. Nick Lamberti says:

    OK, my running shoes need a washing & since I have only run twice in the past three weeks I will shoot for the 10 miler & be happy!

  18. Mike MacNeil says:

    Jim, I plan to run Spot Pond Tomorrow early. I am available for water stop help as needed after that.

  19. Jim says:

    The revised plan:

    Here’s the map with a slightly revised route: Week 9 Revised

    The route detours in Winchester to stop by the home of Paul Donahue at 28 Canterbury Rd. (Thanks Paul). Review the map and know where you’re going.

    It sounds like most/all of the 10 mile runners will be meeting at Friendly’s and going from there. And yes that is more than 10 miles, actually over 11, if you start and stop at water stop one though that’s 10 miles. The only issue there is that there isn’t room for much parking. If you want to carpool over there, that’s an option.

    As far as other water stop support, at this point I’m thinking Rick and Nancy can handle the 4 remaining stops. If Rick meets us at Brueggers and gets all the supplies and brings them to water stop 1/4, Nancy can swing by there and head over to water stop 4 by the school on Mystic Valley Pkwy and then relocate over to Highland Ave in Medford/Malden for water stop 5. That’s the simplest plan I can think of, if you guys are game for that, lets do it that way.

    Thanks for all the others that have offered their help, we’ll be needing it at some point.


  20. Eve Moura says:

    I will be there for the 20…..no car this week, so I’ll be biking to Brueggers. Anyone know if there’s a rack around there somewhere? Hoping for a dry run!

  21. Jo-Ann says:

    I’m planning to meet at Friendly’s and run 11 miles.

    I like the where’s Walt-O . Good Luck Walt. France sound like a nice place to be right now. Probably to rain for Hanna.

  22. Jo-Ann says:

    I meant to say “Probably no rain from Hanna.”

  23. Ginny Rowe says:

    I’ll be there. I love this route; parts of it run through my old cross country stomping grounds! I’ll pretend my knees are 24 years younger, too! Very funny where’s Walto.

  24. Dave Hayes says:

    I’ll be there for 20. Eve, if you can’t find a rack, I have the room to store a bike inside my car. I plan to park behind Brueggers.

    Happy Saturday, all.

  25. Denyce Curis says:

    Jim – I was just reviewing the 20 mile route and don’t see the detour for the water stop at Paul’s ? Since we will be starting at Friendly’s and will miss your clear instuctions at the start of the run – I wanted to be sure where we are going (or in this case – stopping).

  26. Erin Lynch says:

    I will be there.. although I am not sure about the 20 miler. I can also help with water stops if needed. Just let me know.


  27. Jim says:

    The difference between the revised route and the original route is taking a right on Main St(Rt 38) at the end of Highland Ave, then a left on Grove St (at the rotary) and a right on Canterbury Rd. After the water stop we’ll continue on Canterbury back to Grove and down to Rt 60. This is the only difference from the original route that you’ll see, which used to go the other way on Rt 38 and over to Rt 60.

    I’ll have a copy of the map and give it to Rick, although he usually brings copies, so you can review it at water stop 1.

    Got it?

  28. Jennifer Rapaport says:

    I may park at Grimsby’s to make it an 18 miler, instead of 20M. So don’t wait for me at Bruegger’s. If I go that route, I will just see you at Grimsby’s. Also, does anyone know if it’s OK to wear a Garmin in the rain? I just got mine and am addicted!
    p.s. There are bike racks at the YMCA which is almost across from Brueggers.

  29. Eve Moura says:

    I hear you on the Garmin, Jen. I am debating wearing mine too. I know the Forerunner 405 is “waterproof to withstand submersion in 1 meter of water for 30 min.” It also says “prolonged submersion may cause permanent damage”…..that probably covers continuous sprinkling….might hold off tomorrow. Thanks for the offer to store my bike Dave…I may take you up on that if it looks like rain.

  30. Brian Gilroy says:

    Just 10 for me tomorrow. I hope it is not as humid as today.

  31. Barry Petzold says:

    Jim, Thanks for planning out a great route with plenty of water stops!!

    Also, huge thanks to Rick and Nancy for the water stops and Paul’s dog for licking all the salt off my leg.

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