Week 9 – Starting an Hour Earlier, 7AM at Brueggers!!!

Sorry for the late notice, I was out of town all week and I didn’t realize the Victorian Fair was this week. So why the hour earlier. Two reasons, Main St will get crowded Sunday so this gives us a chance to finish up our run without so many witnesses. Two, the Victorian Fair features the Emarc 5K. If we can get a few people finished up early they can help volunteer for that race. Now typically I change the route for the run to make this all a bit easier and allow the shorter distance runners an option to still start at 8 but because this year it coincides with the 20 miler I can’t figure out a way to do that. I tried, its too complicated so we’re sticking with the originally posted route. You can still start any time between 7 and 8 because the water stops you’ll use aren’t moving.

Starting at 7 AM we’ll be heading out from Brueggers down Main Street, which will be closed and people will be putting up tents so run along the side walk or in the street, whichever way is easiest. Head to a right on West Wyoming, up past Grimsby’s to a right at Spot Pond. Go past the Zoo, past Friendly’s, past the on ramp to I93N onto Park Street in Stoneham. You’ll hit a set of lights, take a left on Marble which becomes Forest as you go over I93. On the other side you’ll see Eugene Street and Water Stop 1.

From this water stop you’ll continue on Forest Street in Winchester until you get to Highland Ave, there’ll be a blue H hospital sign to tell you when to turn. Up a hill, past Winchester Hospital and continue on Highland. If you’re running short you’ll take a right on Eaton Street (There will be a little park where you turn). Run down a hill, turn right at the bottom onto Washington Street. Continue to take a right on Forest Street at the Gingerbread Construction Company and run up some hills back to the water stop. From there you head back exactly how you came, Forest to Marble, right on Park, past Friendly’s and the Zoo, left on Pond St to bring you back past Grimsbys along West Wyoming to Main and home to Brueggers! 10 miles, just like that.

Meanwhile you long long runners are continuing down Highland Ave and hit a 5-way intersection, continue straight through staying on Highland. Eventually you’ll hit Water Stop 2. After this water stop you’ll start hitting some new territory for this season’s training. Go left onto Main Street/RT38 into Medford. Cross over to the right side of the wide road as you’ll be taking a right at the Oak Grove Cemetery onto Playstead Road. You’ll run along the cemetery, past a soccer field and along the commuter rail line until you hit High Street/RT60. Take a right, crossing over the railroad tracks. On your left is a Dunkin Donuts which is very accommodating to runners that need a restroom. Continue on High Street. Note there is a spot where the road forks, stay to your left to stay on High Street. You’ll eventually come to a little traffic circle at the Mystic River and Arlington. Go right onto the Mystic Valley Parkway (Don’t go over the bridge into Arlington, we’ll never find you!). Enjoy the run along the Mystic Lakes all the way to the end of the street. Turn right onto Bacon Street, pass under the railroad tracks, and turn left onto the Mystic Valley Parkway. Along the right side of this street you’ll see a sports field and Water Stop 3.

After his stop you’ll continue through a set of lights and then the next set will be Washington Street. Turn left onto Washington and cross over to the right side of the road. You’ll hit another 5-way intersection where you’ll cross the street and stay to the right to keep onto Washington. Washington will take you to the Gingerbread Construction Company where you take a right onto Forest Street. Up the hills and on to Water Stop 4 (which will look a lot like Water Stop 1… because it is).

Leave the water stop and cross over I93 and take a right onto Park Street. This will bring you to Friendly’s. Take a right onto Main Street/Rt28 in Stoneham. Run the back side of Spot Pond turning onto Elm Street and up to the rotary by the Flynn hockey Rink. Go right onto Highland Ave in Medford and find Water Stop 5. The last water stop!!

Leaving the water stop run on Highland Ave until you get to the Fellsway East. All the way down to the traffic circle where they sell the newspapers. Turn left there and run the Fellsway East to Grimsbys. Turn right onto West Wyoming and you’ll find yourself back on Main Street… this one is in Melrose where a left turn brings you back to Brueggers with 20 miles behind you!

Water stops. I think Nancy and/or Lois will be parking at Eugene so they can be that water stop. I’ll handle water stops 2 and 3. I may make it to water stop 5 before the speediest of runners, but one more helper might make that less stressful. Anyone.

See you tomorrow at 7AM! Roll Call! Who’s in?

19 Responses to “Week 9 – Starting an Hour Earlier, 7AM at Brueggers!!!”

  1. Ashley DeAcetis says:

    IFTF! Thanks Jim!!

  2. Sue Clough says:

    IFTF! Thanks Jim for all the coordinating!

  3. Donna says:

    Jo-Ann and I are in for the short distance. Thank you Jim!

  4. Courtney says:

    Jessi and I are IFTF game on!!!

  5. Lauren Cossette says:

    In for half.

  6. Joe Terranova says:

    In for the shorty at 7.

  7. Bill Riley says:

    In for the full

  8. Jeff Rushton says:

    IFTF…thanks Jim!!!

  9. Nancy Gaudet says:

    I’ll be at Eugene, and running from there.

  10. Mark Shipley says:

    IFTF. Thanks.

  11. Maggie Browder says:

    In for the full (if my hamstring cooperates. Thank you!

  12. Leon Romprey says:

    Judi and IRIFTF.

  13. Jeanne boisseau says:

    Most of the full. Will skip the last part around Spot Pond and head home for 16

  14. Thuy says:

    Full plz…Ty!

  15. Don Keren says:

    In for the full

  16. Diana Mirabello says:

    in for the half

  17. Christina Antico says:

    In for the half

  18. Jessica crispin says:

    In for the short but will start at 8 am. Thanks

  19. Joanne Piper says:

    In for the full also. Thanks !

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