Week 9 – A Little Change of Plans

As we get into September things get a little confusing for the Sunday Long Run. For one thing, I won’t be here for the remaining September Sundays. Also this week is the Lake Winnipesaukee Relay so there won’t be many people around. On top of that everyone’s schedules are slightly different because everyone isn’t running Baystate. This leaves us with a lot of variations of routes to run.

When I first put together the fall plan years ago I tried to deconflict the 20 miler run with Lake Winnipesaukee and the Victorian Fair. Well, since they moved Lake Winnie and the fair falls somewhat early this year, the 20 miler actually hits both. Ugh. With the few water stop helpers available and the few runners we’ll have running, I suggest we switch the weeks, so this weekend is the 16 miler route and next week is the 20 miler route. If you would like to run 20 miles this weekend there’s nothing stopping you, just get to Brueggers early and run your favorite 4 miles before the 8PM start. We’ll have water stop supplies at the start (behind Brueggers) for those that do this.

Starting at 8AM we’ll run the 16 mile route for Week 10. This helps because there is only one water stop. From Brueggers run up Main Street into Wakefield to Nick’s Pizza. Water Stop 1.

After that we’ll be head up to Lake Quannapowitt along Main Street and circle the lake by following Lowell Street turning left through the Converse parking lot over to North Street. Left on Main Street will get you on North Street which you follow all the way back to Nick’s Pizza. Water Stop 2.

If you want to run a 10 mile short route, head back along Main Street to Brueggers and you’ll be done. Longer runners head down Nahant Street over to Wakefield High School. Head up towards the Voc and into Breakheart from this side. Run around the outer loop in whatever direction you please and stop for a sip of water at the water fountain at the park headquarters (Unofficial Water Stop) then continue around and pop back out on the Wakefield side at the Voc, back down Nahant to Nick’s Pizza Water Stop 3 1/2.

From there you head back to Melrose along Main Street and finish up your run at Breuggers.

After the run grab a cup of coffee at Brueggers and wander out along the Victorian Fair’s EMARC race and help Brian Slater out by course marshalling at the corner of Main and Grove, or Grove and Dell, of Dell and E Foster.

Water Stops. Audrey and Jessi graciously stepped up to take the water stop buckets from me. They’ll coordinate so one car is at Nick’s and the other is behind Brueggers. You’ll need most of the supplies at Nick’s, not so much at Brueggers.

Next Tuesday they’ll give the buckets off to somebody else. Please step up and take them, remember if nobody volunteers to host the stop, there won’t be any water where you need it!

Next week I suggest you do the 20 mile route and people can tailor it to their distance needs.

If you’re in, let us know so we can make sure we have the right amount of supplies. If you’re out, good luck at Lake Winnie!

14 Responses to “Week 9 – A Little Change of Plans”

  1. Matt Kerton says:

    I’m in for the long run this Sunday. See you at 8am.

  2. Nancy Slocum says:


    I am in for the full as well. Thanks so much!!!

  3. Brian walfield says:

    I’m going to run something? I can leave my van at Nick’s Pizza. I’ll plan on being at Brueggers around 7:30 to pick up snack items Gu or I can get them sometime Saturday if there are any availabe. I will take care of water gatorade cups etc.

  4. Rick Collette says:

    Hi All,

    I plan to work a water stop or two as needed. I’ll get extra stuff (water, cups and treats)

    See you at the cofee shop at 6:45. Yikeees



  5. Jessi Marquardt says:

    Hi everyone!

    I have one of the buckets but need to do 20 this week because I will be away next weekend. I’m thinking of parking my car somewhere and just running to Brueggers to add on my extra 4? Which stop should I park my car at? I have GU, water, gatorade, powerade and some special treats I picked up :).

  6. Audrey Paradis says:

    Hi all! I’m in for the half… I bought a bunch of snacks and Gu’s today and have the other bucket with a bunch of drinks. I had thought of parking at nicks and then running to Brueggers and back, but i think it would make more sense if Jessie parked at Nick’s nest to then tack on 3-4 more miles. In that case, I will go to Breuggers early (7:30ish) to have drink/snacks for people there and then I could always hand off stuff to others. I hope that makes sense!

  7. Jessi Marquardt says:

    Sounds great!!! I will park my Chevy Malibu with the doors open at Nick’s and make it 4 miles to Brueggers. See everyone Sunday and good luck to everyone running the race!!!

  8. Nancy Slocum says:

    I am going to do the 4 miles before hand as well as I realize I need to get my 20 in this week.
    I will be at Brueggers early to add the 4 and start at 8am for the 16.

    Thanks again!

  9. Audrey Paradis says:

    Sounds like we are in good shape! Thank you for grabbing cups Brian!!

  10. Denise Judware says:

    I am in for the full.

  11. Leon Romprey says:

    In for the full + 4 at the end for anyone that needs 20 and can’t start early. May be 5 or 10 minutes late so hopefully I can catch you at the water stops.

  12. Carleen Melkonian says:

    I am in for the half thanks

  13. Audrey Hanscom says:

    I’m in for the half.

  14. Christina Antico says:

    I’ll start my run early and likely run the Highland Ave. route, but I hope to bump into everyone at some point this morning. Have a good run!

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