I hear there’s a storm on the way.
There’s been a lot of talk about changing around the running plans over the next few days to accommodate the visit from Irene. Â From what I’ve seen so far, there is a chance of some rain Saturday morning. Rain will increase throughout the day. Sunday morning will be rainy but the hurricane will not hit our area until later in the day. All that of course will change dramatically over the next 48 hours (I predict once it hits North Carolina it breaks up and we’ll just have a rainy weekend).
With a hurricane on Sunday, even though I think we’d just be running in the pre-hurricane rain, I can’t schedule a run and feel confident everyone would be safe. I’ll open the floor to all involved though. Let me know what you prefer, and if we come to some consensus we’ll reschedule the run or unofficially have a fun run in the rain Sunday morning. What do you all think?
Hi Jim, I’m in for Saturday. I can leave my van at wakefield high.
water and gatorade only.
I would like to run on Saturday – I can do the Breakheart water stop and will pick up some water and gatorade for the folks running tomorrow morning.
I’ll start out earlier, I have to take care of my mother. If anyone wants to go out at 6:00 let me know. Also, if it’s raining on Sunday, and not that bad I’m sure we can brave the weather. This is getting interesting.
I’m not running, but if you run on Sunday, I can do a water stop
I see that there’s more chance of lightening strikes on Sunday even prior to the main storm. I’m heading up to Plum Island very early on Saturday morning. If there ends up being a group of people that run on Sunday, I can support the Comverse Waterstop.
I’m in for the full on Saturday and hoping for a nice pre hurricane tail wind.
I can run on Saturday and have Gatorade to donate to the cause. I will only be running between 6 and 8 miles and can do a water stop. I can also pick up some water and other goodies. Let me know what water stop you want me to do.
Perhaps we support both days — I’ll run Saturday but can do a water stop on Sunday if needed.
I’m in for the half route on Saturday morning.
I’m in for either day
I’m going to start and end from Breakheart tomorrow morning and do a modified route – I’ll meet you all there and provide you with the first water stop, and run the hills with you all from there! My car is a silver Pontiac Grand Am and I’ll put the water and Gatorade in a cooler bag in the back seat.
My plan is to run Saturday and hopefully not “squish” my way through 18 miles. Damn you Irene! I can also support a Sunday water stop if needed.
I prefer to run on Saturday. I am cutting off the first 3 miles so will meet all of you at Breakheart. Is everyone starting at 8AM?
I replenished some supplies I had from last week’s water stop and can cover the Nick’s Pizza stop (the last H20 stop on Main St., Wakefield). I plan to start there and run to Bruegger’s to meet everyone then stop there at the end. Are we meeting @8?
Ok – rethought the Plum Island as there’s a chance that they’re going to close access to the preserve. So I’ll be running Saturday and I can support a W/S Sat/Sunday.
BTW, my car is a back Mazda CX9 wagon, hatch is unlocked.
Anyone want to start at 6???
I hope to see some of you along the way
I prefer Saturday. I plan on running anyway at 7AM, but would shift if we do the long run
Can someone take over the water stop at Nick’s Pizza? I have to leave my car at home. I will bring all the supplies to you (cups, H20, Gatorade, GU). Thanks!
I will do the Nick’s pizza stop for Catherine.
I have a white VW and I will be there drinking a DD coffee. 😉
The Sunday Run is cancelled, we’ll run on SATURDAY ONLY.
Ok, so we have some help at almost every waterstop I think for a Saturday run. I’ll have some water and some GU/Snickers/Gummies/FruitSlices to sprinkle around the water stops.
WS1/2 Beth: Will you be starting at 8 or do you want to pick up some supplies for your car at Brueggers at 8?
WS3 Brian: Beverages only. Maybe I’ll swing by and drop some candy off there too before the run.
WS4 NOBODY: Hmmm, that might be a problem
WS4 ErinL: Do you have enough supplies? Are you planning on running or will you pick up supplies from me and head out there?
(This is why I don’t like Saturday mornings, I don’t have a day to pick up these supplies)
Not sure how this will all work out but we’ll make it.
I have 3 Gallons of water, a ton of gatorade, cups, a few (5 or 6) gus and some cups. I also have swedish fish, nerds and sour patch kids. See you in the morning at Brueggers at 7:45. I am only running between 6 and 8 miles, so I will figure something out. I will probably park my car and the head to Brueggers and then run from Brueggers to Nick’s pizza and then run back to Brueggers. Maybe someone can give me a ride back to my car. If not, I can drive back.
Jim, I’m lacking on the candy so I’ll stop by Brueggers at 7:45ish to pick up whatever extras you have, and then drive up to Breakheart. Thanks!
I will head for brueggers early, should be able to use my car for a water stop if there are supplies available. I would like to do some intermediate distance around 10 miles.
jim it looks like dave is doing 4
if there is no stop 4 there is a store at the end of montrose and water fountains around the lake.also honeydew.
Can someone meet us early at Brueggers at 7:30 and go out with Peter to the water stop and drive him back… and pick up Erin on the way?