Here we go, getting into the mileage that most of us just have to think of as running “from water stop to water stop.†In other words, don’t overwhelm yourself thinking about the total miles we ARE going to conquer. Just set the GPS in your mind to head to the water stop that is ahead of you. Once there, take in a couple sips and/or a bite of something, reset your mind’s GPS to the next water stop, and move forward. Keep repeating that until you find yourself back at Bruegger’s.
Please acquaint yourself with the route you’ll be running – maps are just a click away on the right hand side of this post. I’ll go over the route, roughly, before we head out, but it is way better to show up on Sunday morning knowing where you’ll be running. This week, as all our waterstops might be unattended; you won’t have the luxury of showing up and asking where to go next. KNOW YOUR ROUTE. It will save you worry and possibly unnecessary miles that you don’t need to run as a lost sheep from the herd.
This week we all take in the beauty of Breakheart Reservation. All runners, going the half distance or the full, head straight to the Saugus entrance of Breakheart for a clockwise outer loop… because we love the hills going in that direction.  After the loop of Breakheart, those taking the half route will run back to Bruegger’s the very same way you came. Those running the longer distance will head out in the same way, but take a right onto Farm St., keep running until you get to Wakefield High – pause for hydration – get back on the route and make your way to Lake Q via Montrose Ave, Salem St. and Lowell St. Once you see the Lake head in a counter-clockwise direction around the lake… because going in this direction will get you to the water stop quicker. Keep running with the Lake on your left until you get to Main St. in Wakefield. Turn right on Main Street and start heading back to Melrose, making one last pause for water, Gatorade, GU, what have you at Nick’s Pizza. Then all you have left is one last push to the finish. Easy peasy (says the one who will probably complain the most).
Waterstops – I think I have Betty Cooper for waterstops #1&2 at the Saugus entrance to Breakheart,  Sue Worrall for waterstop #4 in the corner of the Comverse parking lot, I’ll probably take waterstop #5 at Nick’s Pizza unless anyone else wants it…  I just need one more for Wakefield High. Erin, was this the week you said you could help? Once I know we’re all covered, we will make a plan for picking people up and getting them (myself included) to the start of the run.
Okay, who is in? ROLL CALL!
I am going to run the half run. I can do a water stop after that, if you think that it would be possible.
Yes, I will do water stop #1 & 2. What time do you need me to be at Bruegger’s to get supplies?
I’m in for about 13miles, and can do water stop #5 at Nick’s pizza. I’ll get supplies, would just need a ride from there to Brueggers in the morning.
thanks everyone for all your offers to help with waterstops. i think we’re covered.
Betty – do you mind if i switch you to water stop #3 at Wakefield High school parking lot?
here is the plan so far:
Waterstop #1&2 – Saugus entrance/exit Breakheart -Erin Lynch
Waterstop #3 – Wakefield High – Betty Cooper
Waterstop #4 – Comverse parking lot by the Lake – Diana Mirabello
Waterstop #5 – Nick’s Pizza – Dave Hayes
I can deliver some supplies to Betty and give her a ride back to start the run. For Erin and Diana, I’ll have supplies for you at Bruegger’s by 7:45 but I’ll leave my car unlocked behind Bruegger’s so if you are later than 8am, no worries you can help yourself to a bucket and head to your stop.
so far the weather for Sunday is looking great! we’re gonna have a great day to run.
thank you again, everyone who is helping this week and everyone who offered!
I’m in, planning to start at 7 from comverse
I’m not running but could do a water stop if you needed. It looks like you are covered – but if that should change you can email me at
Okay water stop #3 it is. What time should we meet up Lois? I actually wasn’t planning on running…. but I did sign up for Lone Gull. So I’m in for a shorter run. I’ll cut out the back of Breakheart to the HS water stop.
Mike and I are in for the half minus Breakheart and will add some flat on the way back
I’m in for the full. I might add in 2 miles to get my 20 in this week. Thanks for the water stops everyone!!
I’m in for 6 short runs (the full). I might have to start at Comverse or Nick’s waterstops depending on kid duties, aka chauffeuring teenage daughter. Will let you know tonight, Lois.
I’m in for the full. IN-ADVANCE Thanks to all for the water stops!
Thanks everyone for weighing in with plans.
Betty, if you want to start with the group at 8a, i can come pick you up at the high school at 7:45.
Okay, I’ll see you at 7:45. Thanks.
Looking forward to seeing everyone! I’ll be there for the FULL.
In for full plus. Thanks Lois and all those helping out with the stops.
I’m in for something? Thanks Lois and company.
Looks like all the water stops are all set but if any one needs help I’m available. I would have posted earlier I just need to see my daughter’s working hrs.
See you all at waterstop 1 and 2!
all set for water stop four. Lois, see you at Brueggers at 7:45 for the supplies
Thanks Jim, Lois and company for organizing. Looking forward to the nice runnning weather. In for the half…
See you at stop #5
I’m in for the half!
I am in for the half. Thanks everyone for the water stop coverage!