Week 7 – The Melrose Half Marathon

This week’s run was a real half marathon run back in the 1990s. It evolved and moved around and is now the Run to Remember in Boston, but once upon a time it ran through our streets. So Sunday we’ll run over to the starting line and run the entire route of the Melrose Law Enforcement Half Marathon. Well, almost the entire route, the last quarter mile was run along the Melrose High School track which no longer exists.

The route will take us over to the Lynn Fells. Long runners will do a loop around Ell Pond while shorter distance runners will take the lead through the Lynn Fells to Grimsby’s. After the loop the long runners will follow behind to Grimsby’s. From Grimsby’s we go along the Fellsway East hills to Highland Ave and water stop 1. Shorter distance runners will follow the front side of the pond (from the Melrose perspective) to Pond St, back by Grimsby’s and down Wyoming to Brueggers for a 7 mile run. If you’re looking for an extra mile head back past the high school the way you came for 8 miles. Us longer distance runners will loop Spot Pond clockwise. That means around the back side of the pond (Elm St to Rt28 past the Sheepfold first). A quick stop for a sip of water at Straw Point and then continue along the front side of the pond (past the zoo to the hockey rink) and then back to the first water stop. Turning up East Border Road where all runners tend to curse me for the hills, we make our way back to the Fellsway East to Brueggers. One last sip of water will start us off for the last stretch back to Melrose High School to Main and to our bagels and coffee to celebrate one more training run done! When you’re done running the Half, you’ll be done with half of your training for a mid-October marathon! Woo hoo!

Water stops. We need one big stop and two little stops this week. I like to have  a car with some water and gatorade at Grimsby’s and one at Straw Point (the parking lot near the Friendly’s end of Spot Pond).  The temperature should sit in the 70s for most of the run but the sun and the humidity will probably warrant an extra cup of water along the way. So first lets see if there are any people willing to man a stop. We could safely cover the whole run with two, one at Highland Ave and the other covering Straw Point and Grimsby’s. If not I need two sets of pairs of volunteers. Each pair would need someone to buy two gallons of water, two gatorades, and plastic cups (we’ll cover the cost) and park at the stop before the run starts. The other in your pair will pick you up and get you to Brueggers on time. One set will handle Straw Point, the other will handle Grimsby’s. Any volunteers? I can work with someone to cover Grimsby’s.

Other than that, get yourself ready for some fun hills tomorrow! Who’s in? Bruegger’s 8AM! ROLL CALL!!!

15 Responses to “Week 7 – The Melrose Half Marathon”

  1. Catherine Kane says:

    Hi, I have some stuff left over from last week’s water stop, I can cover the Grimsby’s stop. I’ll just run to Bruegger’s and meet you guys at 8 am and end my run there. See you in the morning!

  2. Brian Walfield says:

    I’m in for the full.
    I can leave my van at straw point and ride my bike back.
    I’ll have about 4 gals of water some gatorade and cups.I’ll leave my van there unless someone else volunteers.

  3. Leon Romprey says:

    I won’t be running but I’ll help with the water stops.

  4. Sue Clough says:

    I’m in for the full :0

  5. Maryanne Martin says:

    I won’t be running tomorrow so I’d be happy to man one of the water stops unless you have them covered already. Let me know…

  6. Nate Johnson says:

    I’m in for the short run…

  7. Sue Worrall says:

    I can do a water stop but need supplies— might try to run/walk spot pond while I’m out there. Will check back in the AM.

  8. Kristen says:

    I am in for the shorter route….maybe adding a mile on.

  9. Audrey Hanscom says:

    I am in for the short run…dare I say I may add a mile on?!

  10. Beth Dunne says:

    I’m in for the full.

  11. Lois Parker Carmona says:

    In for the full. I’m too late on the draw to cover a stop, but maybe I should say now that i’ll do next week’s.

  12. Jim says:

    Judi’s in for covering the Highland Ave water stop. Sounds like Catherine and Brian are prepared to cover the other two stops. Looks like everything’s covered. Anyone else that has a free morning is welcome to show up and help out by encouraging us with you smiley faces.

    See you in the AM!

  13. liz tASSINARI says:

    I am planning on joining the group for the last 5-6 miles. I have water supplies in my car from last week……….

  14. Joanne Piper says:

    Starting early again with Janice to add on before the full. We’ll see you when you pass us!

  15. Erin Lynch says:

    I will do the short route.


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