Week 7 – Quite A Bit Warmer

Hey SLR, it’s not every week you can experience a 60 degree difference from one SLR to the next. With last week’s -9 degree run, with wind chills making it even more cold than that, we’ll rebound with a run that is predicted to be in the 50s before we’re done!

This week’s route is up Main Street with a left turn on Franklin Street. Follow through Franklin Square and up into Stoneham. Keep going past Stoneham High School and keep going all the way to Stoneham Center, turning left on Main Street. Cross over as you approach Friendly’s, where water stop 1 will be in the parking lot there, on your right.

After the stop, running short? Turn left at the lights and run up past the Stone Zoo. Turn left on Pond Street and scamper down to Grimsby’s. Turn left there and follow the Lynnfells Parkway up past Melrose High School. Turn right on Melrose Street, and then right again onto Main Street. Finish up your run by running strong through Melrose Center back to the Knights of Columbus.

Running long? You’ll continue along Main Street as it becomes the Fellsway West on the back side of Spot Pond. Turn left on Elm Street and run up to the Highland Ave rotary. Turn right there onto Highland Ave and find the water stop somewhere along that road.

After the water stop you’ll continue on to the traffic circle on the other end of Highland. Go left there and run along the other Fellsway (East), through the hills to Grimsby’s. Surprise, this time you’ll turn left and head up the hill back to Spot Pond. Turn right at the pond, run past the Zoo and continue to Friendly’s. The water stop will still be there for you.

You’ll leave the water stop, and as the temps rise, remember this stretch of Main Street was covered by many feet of snow and patrolled by one angry plow driver at this time last year. Roll up your sleeves and run back to the way you came, right on Franklin Street, back through Franklin Square, and right on Main Street. Head back to the KofC to finish up for the day.

I’ll cover the Friendly’s stop. I’ll need one volunteer to hang out at Highland Ave.

Roll Call. Who’s in? No excuses, it’s not dangerously cold!

36 Responses to “Week 7 – Quite A Bit Warmer”

  1. Regina Curran says:

    Hi Jim, Julie and I are in for the short please. Thank you

  2. Kristen D says:

    In for the full!

  3. Haecha Donnelly says:

    I’m in for the half! Thanks Jim!!

  4. Tom Gorman says:

    In for the full

  5. Marian Sales says:

    In for the full. Thank you.

  6. Ashley DeAcetis says:

    IFTF!!! Thanks!

  7. Mike McLaughlin says:

    In for the full. Thanks

  8. Dan Slattery says:

    In for the full 🙂

  9. Audrey Paradis says:

    In for the full!!

  10. Lauren Cossette says:

    In for the full!

  11. I can finally make it to a SLR! I’m in for the half route. Thank you to all the volunteers!

  12. Krissy says:

    IFTF. Thank you!

  13. Heather Lane says:

    Looking forward to the full!

  14. Don Keren says:

    In for the full, thanks to the water stop people

  15. Casey Stratford says:

    In for the short, thanks!!

  16. Donny Cranley says:

    In for something…..maybe 3/4 route

  17. Bill Riley says:

    IFTF thank you

  18. Katie says:

    My goal is to make it for the full, plus a bit extra. All depends on if my butt gets out of bed early enough.

  19. Gail says:

    I am in for the full

  20. Matt Sazama says:

    In for the full. Thanks!

  21. Jessi says:

    Iftf!!! Jim let me know if you don’t get another volunteer I would be more than happy to run early and be the highland ave water stop!

  22. Thuy Dang says:

    Mary and I are in for the full please. Ty!

  23. Jose says:

    Thank you Jim,
    I am in for the full distance

  24. Brian Walfield says:

    In for the full. Thanks Jim!

  25. Erin Fopiano says:

    Peter and I are in for the half. See you tomorrow.

  26. Denise Judware says:

    I can help with the water stop, but I also want to log a few miles too. So, I can meet up in the morning get the supplies and run around the stop, if that works. See you at 8.

  27. Sue worrall says:

    Ifth and maybe a little extra

  28. Jessica Crispin says:

    Christina and I are in for the half. Thank you

  29. Kristen says:

    In for the full!

  30. Rowena Hakkaoui says:

    IFTF. THX!

  31. Matt Kerton says:

    In for the full. Thanks!

  32. Lisa H says:

    I forgot to post…. I’m in for the half and Brian S is in for the full.

  33. Ed Bradford says:

    I’m in 3/4s of the route or so – thanks.

  34. Ginny Rowe says:

    This fair weather runner is in for half, too!

  35. Erin Fopiano says:

    Change of plans. We will not make it.

  36. Jackie Ecker says:

    In for the half. Thanks.

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