Week 7 – Melrose Half

Where : Brueggers

When : 8AM

Theme : Olympic Rings. Last week we did well to show our Team USA spirit with Red, White and Blue shirts. On the last day of the Olympics let’s honor the event by wearing a running shirt that is either Blue, Yellow, Black, Green, or Red. Hopefully we get at least one of each so I can take a picture.

The Route: This route will follow what was once the Melrose Law Enforcement Memorial Half Marathon, which has since become Boston’s Run to Remember.

Short Route: Head up Main Street past Ell Pond, left on Melrose, left on LynnFells to Grimsby’s for a short water stop. Continue on LynnFells to the Fellsway East. Run through the hills down to the traffic circle at Highland Ave and turn right. Continue on Highland all the way up to the next water stop. After the stop run the Woodland side of the pond (keeping right at the Highland rotary). Turn right on Pond Street down to Grimsby’s and continue on to West Wyoming, down to a left on Main Street and finish up Brueggers.

Long Route: Head up Main Street past Ell Pond, left on Melrose, left on LynnFells. At the set of lights after the tennis courts turn left on Tremont Street. Circle Ell Pond with a series of lefts on Lave Ave, West Emerson, Main Street, Melrose Street and back on LynnFells Parkway. This time go straight on the Lynn Fells Parkway to the water stop at Grimsby’s. Continue on LynnFells to the Fellsway East. Run through the hills down to the traffic circle at Highland Ave and turn right. Continue on Highland all the way up to the next water stop. After the stop run over to the Highland Ave rotary and go left on Elm Street. Circle Spot Pond with rights on the Fellsway West, into the parking lot at Straw Point, and onto Pond Street. Run past the Zoo and up Woodland Ave back to the Highland Rotary and back to the waterstop. After that continue on Highland and take your first left on East Border Road. Run up that road until you hit the lights. Turn left on the Fellsway East, back through the hills, past Grimsbys onto the LynnFells Parkway. After you run past Melrose High School turn right onto Melrose Street and a right on Main to finish up at Brueggers.

Roll Call: Who’s in?

20 Responses to “Week 7 – Melrose Half”

  1. Paul Locke says:

    I’m in for the half, along with (probably) Duncan.

  2. Dan Slattery says:

    In for an in-between (9.5 ish) 🙂

  3. andy nagelin says:


  4. Casey Stratford says:

    Julie Mirek and I are in for the half. Thanks!

  5. Judi says:

    Full or slightly less for me. I will try to represent a green ring ????

  6. Katie Sinnott says:

    In for the full-ish. Now to try to rummage for properly colored clothes.

  7. Cynthia Berger says:

    In in for the short

  8. Liz hecht says:

    In for a modified full, 9-10 ish.
    I’ve got a yellow shirt

  9. Linda Ford says:

    I’m in for the full!

  10. Audrey Hanscom says:

    In for the half…thank you! I will wear blue

  11. Christina DiCalogero says:

    I’m in for the half. Thank you.

  12. Richard Hertz says:

    In for about a 90 min run

  13. Don Keren says:

    In for the full

  14. Courtney Carson says:

    Luckily we can make Rob’s 90 minute trail adventure camp use your water stops, husband. See you there! (I’ll be green, like a giant Olympic toad).

  15. Jackie Ecker says:

    In for the half!

  16. Maryanne Martin says:

    In for the half

  17. Judy Dolan says:

    In for the half. heading out a little early at 7:45

  18. Jessi says:


  19. Matt Kerton says:

    In for the full.

  20. Mike McLaughlin says:

    In for the full. Thanks

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