Week 7 – Friendly Run

Its with regret that I bring the news of the death of Jeff Brogan to our Sunday Long Run group. Jeff ran with us off and on over the past few years, specifically through his training for the Baystate Marathon in 2016. There he qualified for Boston running a 3:32:40. He returned to the group this season for his training for this spring’s Boston, running 16 miles with us just this past Sunday. Jeff passed away on Wednesday, experiencing complications with his heart. Jeff Brogan’s Obituary can be viewed here.

Our training continues on this week with a 14 mile long run and 7 mile shorter run. Be aware, there is snow in the forecast. While the snow should end before Sunday Morning, be wary of slick sidewalks, narrow roads, and plows. The google map sections are outlined below.

The Start will be similar to last week’s run as we head north, past Ell Pond, continuing on to a left turn on Franklin. Follow Franklin into Stoneham, continuing on all the way to Main Street in Stoneham Square where you’ll turn left. Main Street will bring you towards Spot Pond, hitting a water stop at Friendly’s on Main Street.

Half-Finish will leave Friendly’s, crossing to the left side of the road to take an immediate left on South Street which will become Pond Street. Continue past the Stone Zoo, then turning left to stay on Pond Street as it heads down to Grimsby’s. Turn left on the Lynn Fells Parkway, running past Melrose High School and turning right onto Melrose Street and right on Main Street to finish at Brueggers.

Long-2 will continue straight after leaving Friendly’s as Main Street becomes the Fellsway West. Follow around the backside of Spot Pond to Elm Street where you turn left. Elm Street will climb up to Highland Ave where you’ll go right and run the length of Highland in Medford, looking for a water stop on the left side of the road near the traffic circle at the intersection at the Fellsway East.

Long-3 After the water stop you’ll turn left onto the Fellsway East, running through the hills to Grimsby’s. Turn left onto Pond Street and climb back up to Spot Pond. Turn right at the pond and run past the Stone Zoo to return to Main Street and the water stop at Friendly’s.

Long-Finish returns to Brueggers the way you got to Friendly’s originally. Run Main Street in Stoneham back to Stoneham Square where you’ll turn right onto Franklin Street. This will take you back to Main Street in Melrose where you’ll turn right to make your way back to Brueggers.

Water Stops at Friendly’s and Highland Ave will be hosted by me, Hank, and Tom.

Roll Call! Who’s in?

29 Responses to “Week 7 – Friendly Run”

  1. Joe Terranova says:

    I will miss this week. Jeff was a good guy, a good neighbor and a good runner. See you all next Sunday.

  2. Jackie says:

    IFTF. Rest In Peace Jeff.

  3. Cynthia Berger says:


  4. Dan Slattery says:

    In for the full. Thoughts are with the Brogan Family.

  5. John Coctostan says:

    In for the full w/ trails around spot pond

  6. Mary O'Connell says:

    In for full. Thank you.

  7. Matt Kerton says:


  8. Courtney says:

    Will pay for and use your beautiful water stops while dodging in and out of the trails on an adventure – thanks!!

  9. Valerie Smith says:

    In for the half thank you

  10. Diana H says:

    In it for the half!

  11. Julie SG says:

    Thoughts are with the Brogan family. In for the half this Sunday –

  12. Marianne C says:

    Hope to make it for the Full, thanks Jim:-)

  13. Audrey Recupero says:


  14. andy nagelin says:


  15. Amanda says:

    So so sad…thoughts and prayers with the family.

    Full please

  16. Christina DiCalogero says:

    So sad to hear about Jeff’s passing. Love and prays to his family. Jess and I are in for the full. Thanks.

  17. Michael McLaughlin says:

    In for the full thanks.

  18. Jessi says:


  19. Katrina says:

    In for the full, thanks!

  20. Liz hecht says:

    In for the Half

  21. Tara says:

    So sorry to hear about Jeff. I ran today (it sucked!) and I will see you next Sunday!

  22. Maryanne Martin says:

    IFTH…thanks Jim, Hank, Tom!

  23. Heather says:

    Full please. Thank you, Jim.

  24. Lee says:

    I am out but Judi is IFTF. R.I.P. Jeff. Very sad news.

  25. Donna Leggiero says:

    Audrey and I are in for the half….hoping the weather will co-operate :).
    Thank you!

  26. Rowena Hakkaoui says:

    Condolences to the Brogan family.
    IFTF Please. Thanks.

  27. Greg Mastrangelo says:

    I’m in

  28. John Egan says:

    IFTF. Thanks Jim, Hank, and Tom!

  29. Donna Leggiero says:

    hi – audrey, maryann and I are going to pass this morning. Be safe runners!

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