Week 7 – Fribble Run

Last Week – About 30 of SLR runners made their way out to Winchester, with about a dozen winding their way through Winchester Highlands, and a couple taking it to the trails of the Fells. The weather was cold when you were facing the wind, but quite comfortable when the wind was at your back. The hills on that route worked those Boston muscles, getting people one step closer to Heartbreak Hill.

This Week – We’ll be heading back out to Spot Pond, but in a slightly different way to mix up where we hit the hills. The full route will circle the backside of the pond, but then head out to the Fellsway East hills. The half route is very much the same as last week’s route, with a trip to Friendly’s instead of Winchester. It will be cold, but Week 7 has been a notoriously snowy weekend each winter, so take the sunshine and 20s with a smile.

Week 7

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The Start – The whole crew will head up Main Street, past Ell Pond where you can tip your hat to Clarence DeMar. If this is your first season with us, you may not have noticed that there is a monument to Clarence DeMar along Ell Pond, remembering a legendary Boston Marathoner who lived and trained in Melrose a century ago. After you pass Clarence, continue on to Franklin Street, where you’ll turn left and climb up to Stoneham. Unlike last week, you’ll continue on Franklin all the way to Stoneham Square, turning left at the end of Franklin on to Main Street. Main Street will bring you up towards Spot Pond. Cross to the right side for a water stop at Friendly’s 4 miles into your run.

Half Finish – Close out your half route, turn left at the lights onto South Street, which will become Pond Street. Follow that past the Stone Zoo and turn left to bring you down to Grimsby’s. Turn left onto the Lynn Fells Parkway, run up past Melrose High School, turning right onto Melrose Street and right again onto Main to finish up your 7.2 Mile run.

Full 2 – The long route will head out straight from Friendly’s around the back side of Spot Pond. Run along the Fellsway West, past the Sheepfold and turn left when you get to Elm Street, which will bring you up to the Highland rotary. Turn right this week, following Highland Ave. The water stop will be somewhere along Highland, find it for your next drink.

Full 3 – Leaving the water stop continue along Highland Ave to the traffic circle at the Fellsway East. Now climb up towards the eastern section of the Middlesex Fells, over the two hills I know you’re growing to love, and wind down yourself down to Grimsbys. Turn left and do your best to climb Pond Street back up to Spot Pond. Turn right, pass the Stone Zoo and head back to Friendly’s. Have another drink before finishing your long run.

Full Finish – Head back up Main Street to Stoneham Square, turning right on Franklin Street. Continue back to Main Street in Melrose where you turn right to get back to Brueggers after 14.3 miles behind you.

Water Stops – Two water stops, manned by a combo of at least me, Hank, and Lois. I may run the middle part of the long run if we get enough volunteers.

Roll Call – Who’s in?

26 Responses to “Week 7 – Fribble Run”

  1. Joe Terranova says:

    Something between half and full. Thanks Jim.

  2. Dan Slattery says:

    In for the full and will take the sunshine and 20’s with a 🙂 !

  3. Diana says:

    In it for the half!

  4. Haecha says:

    Hi Jim,
    I can help with water stops

  5. Judith Dolan says:

    Loving the sunshine. In for the 1/2

  6. Marianne Chmieslowski says:

    Tired of eating hotdogs. IFTF, thanks!

  7. Daniel De Oliveira says:

    Thank you Jim

  8. Donna says:

    Audrey and I are in for the half. Thank you!

  9. Yvonne Liu-Constant says:

    In for the half. Thanks!

  10. Mike McLaughlin says:

    In for the full. Thanks

  11. Valerie says:

    In for the half thank you Jim

  12. Dave Bryson says:

    I am in for the half.
    Thanks Jim.

  13. Liz says:

    This is the weekend after Valentine’s Day, would have made a good week for breakheart..

  14. Jessi says:

    In for most!!! Thanks Jim!!!

  15. Christina DiCalogero says:

    Jess and I are in for the half. Thanks.

  16. Jess lord says:

    I’m in for the half!

  17. Matt K says:

    In for the full. Thanks Jim!

  18. Jackie Ecker says:

    I’m going to try for the full. Wish me luck. Thanks Jim!

  19. John Bradley says:

    IFTF, but might trim off 2 miles as I’m scheduled for 12…

  20. Jenny Boshco says:

    Me and Deb Reppucci are in for the full. Sorry for the late reply!

  21. Maryanne Martin says:

    In for half…thank you!

  22. Megin Hemmerling says:


  23. Zelia says:

    In for the full????

  24. Mark Rosenblum says:

    In for half of the half!

  25. Jose L Viveiros says:


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