Week 6 – Winchester Highlands

Where: Brueggers

When: 8AM

Theme: Red, white, or blue shirts. A little patriotic support for the US Olympic team.

How Much: $2 for long, $1 for short. If you find you need more than one or two Gus along these runs, please consider contributing more.

Water Stops: I need a helper, preferably a car to meet me at Eugene and I’ll drop supplies there and then cover the other stops.

The Route: This week we’re running my favorite training route, Winchester Highlands. It’s a tricky one so look at the map, and probably throw one in a ziplock bag and bring it with you.
We’ll start heading north on Main Street, turning left onto Franklin. Franklin will take you into Stoneham, past Stoneham High School. You’ll then hit a set of lights where you turn left on Street. Follow that through Stoneham, over I93 to a water stop on Eugene Street on your left. The stop is not on the street you’re running on so look to your left after you cross over I93.
Shorter route runners will head back over I93, but take a right at your first set of lights onto Park Street. This will bring you down to Friendly’s. Cross Main and continue straight past the Zoo to Pond Street, where you’ll turn left. Head down to Grimsby’s and turn left onto the LynnFells Parkway. Take that up past Melrose High School, turn right on Melrose Street, and right on Main Street, and finish up at Brueggers.
Longer route runners will continue down what is now Forest Street, turning left at Highland Ave towards Winchester Hospital. Follow that up a hill and look for Reservoir Road on your left. Turn left and run on my favorite training street. Enjoy the view, ignore the hill, and eventually you’ll come back to Highland Ave, take a left and follow that to the end where you’ll find a water stop.
After that go right on Rt 38. Follow that to a rotary. Follow the rotary counter clockwise and you’ll see a little side road (don’t take that) then a major Street (take that!). It has a historical sign for Simonds Farm or something like that. That keeps you on Rt38. Keep running and you’ll see a fork in the road, stay right onto Washington Street. Follow Washington to Forest Street at the Gingerbread Construction Company. Turn right onto Forest and head back up to the water stop (same as the first one).
After that head back toward Stoneham, taking a right at your first set of lights on to Park Street. This will take you over by Friendly’s. Turn right at Friendly’s onto Rt28 and follow that along the back side of Spot Pond. Look Spot all the way around to Pond Street. Turn right there and head down to Grimsby’s. Continue straight down West Wyoming to a left onto Main and back to Brueggers.

Roll Call: Who’s in?

30 Responses to “Week 6 – Winchester Highlands”

  1. Regina Curran says:

    Hi Jim

    Julie and I are in for the short run please. Thank you

  2. Thuy Dang says:

    i ran today so I can do the Eugene water stop.

  3. Matt Kerton says:

    In for the full. Thanks!

  4. Jim says:

    Thanks Thuy!

  5. Tom Gorman says:

    In for the half

  6. Dan Slattery says:

    In for an in-between (10-11) distance mapped out 🙂

  7. Chad Le Clos says:

    In for most ish

  8. Jeff Rushton says:

    JC…I can help with a water stop if you need me.

  9. Michael Phelps says:

    There’s no way I’m losing to Chad – in for more than most-ish

  10. Matt Sazama says:

    In for the half. Thanks Jim & Thuy in advance for the water stops.

  11. Mike McLaughlin says:

    In for the half. Thanks

  12. Donna says:

    In for the half. Thank you!

  13. Courtney hates Chad says:

    In for the beginning miles then disappearing into the wilderness – thanks JMorial xoxo

  14. Denise Judware says:

    In for the half

  15. Lynda Field says:

    In for modified half. Thanks Jim & Thuy!

  16. Christina DiCalogero says:

    In for a slow half. Thank you.

  17. Jackie Ecker says:

    In for a slow hot half. Thanks Jim and Thuy!

  18. Katie Ledeky says:

    In for the full! Don’t say I swim like Phelps!

  19. Judy Dolan says:

    Going early (7) with Jeanne and Liz. Heat and I don’t get along. I’ll be wearing my red white and blue stay cool everyone!

  20. Greg Carson says:

    After a very long absence I’m in for a slow full…although I’ll probably take the -3.0 shortcut.

  21. Judi says:

    I’m IFTF and Lee is IFTH. Thanks all!

  22. Maryanne Martin says:

    In for the half…thanks Jim and Thuy!

  23. Don Keren says:

    In for the full, thanks Thuy and Jim!

  24. beth picardi says:

    Hoping to join you for the half run tomorrow

  25. Lois says:

    In it for 10-12 mies. prob join in at Eugene and play it by ear after that. Thanks Thuy and Jim! i look forward to drinking with you!

  26. Glen Josephson says:

    In for the full. Thanks!

  27. Amanda Di Re says:

    In for the full, thanks Jim!!

  28. Audrey Hanscom says:

    In for the half. Thank you!

  29. Donny Cranley says:

    In for the half

  30. Ashley DeAcetis says:

    IFTF Jim thank you!

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