Sunday is Valentine’s Day, and what better way to start it than a visit to your one true love, HILLS! This week we continue our training with the hills of Winchester Highlands. A 16 mile route takes you out over 93 to hilly Highland Ave with a side trip to Reservoir Rd in Winchester (one of the prettiest streets we train on) . Highland Ave takes us to Rt 38 in Winchester where we take a right and end up in a rotary. If you’re gonna get lost, it’ll probably be here, as you go right around the rotary you take the second road out of it. It is Main St, Rte 38 but it isn’t marked. Once your on Main St follow it to Washington St where you’ll head back to Forest St and back home. Confused? Ok, this week you’ll need a map then.
Out on the course to help you this week, since I’ll be down in Martha’s Vineyard running a 20 Miler, will be Barry Petzold and Trevor O’Shea. Barry will man Water Stop 1 and 3 at Eugene St and Forest St in Winchester. Trevor will handle Water Stop 2 at the end of Highland Ave at Rt 38. Trevor might also be able to head over to the Flynn Rink by Spot Pond for a 4th Water Stop if necessary.
Barry has his supplies, I need to drop the supplies off with someone to bring to Brueggers. I’ll have to do this Friday Morning, so if you’re running and you live close to Melrose Center, let me know if you can take the supplies. Thanks!
Ok, Who’s in? Not me. Roll Call!
I’m in for 11.45 (the 16 with both of the shortcuts).
Jim, thanks for taking care of the supplies hand-off, and Barry and Trevor, thanks for manning the water stops!
I’m out this week due to family event. Sorry I’m not able to help with w/s transition. Good luck to all running Marthas Vineyard tomorrow. Weather looks good; you’re all gonna rock!!!
JIm, I can get the supplies over to Trevor at Brueggers by 8 am, if you still need someone. I can pick them up at your house. Just let me know. Sorry, fo rthe late notice.
I am going to try the 16 but will take careful note of the shortcuts.
Also, I live in Greenwood and can meet up Saturday to pick up the supplies to bring to Bruegers with me if that helps.
Good luck to all the awesome MV runners!
I’m going to attempt 8! Hope to have some company.
I’m in for the long haul, as long as my mother stays well. She has been ill. I need to follow someone I get lost out of my driveway.
Hopefully see you all sunday am.
Jack and I plan on going to Bruegger’s on Sunday at 7:45 for last minute water stop planning. I’ll probably have some maps.
Woof and cheers!
Jack and Rick
HI, I think I will running the 8 and attempt to add on for 10. I am coming off 2 overnight shifts and a cold so we’ll see. Thanks, Barry and Trevor for doing water stops!
see you Sunday!
I am in… I’d like to try to do 12 or 13. Maybe I will leave my car somewhere and just drive myself back to Brueggers? Thanks Barry and Trevor for doing the water stops.
I didn’t realize there was an 11,45. I guess I can do that!
I’m in for hopefully somewhere between 18-20. See you tomorrow!
Hi Guys!
Hope to be there for at least two hours of running!
I have the supplies from Jim and will bring them to Brueggers for Trevor (thanks Trevor!). I’ll be doing the short route.
My comments from yesterday are gone, but no matter. I am still planning on the entire route. It appears, however, that Rick is doing the waterstop in lieu of Barry? If there’s any issue here, my car can stand in somewhere.
Hi, new member here. I plan on being there for the entire run.
I won’t be there this week. Looks like my marathon training plans may be changing due to travel…but I hope to hook up with the MRC long run group at some point. Jen
Cannot make this one and disappointed as it is my favorite route. Good luck out there.
Im in for the water stop!
Noone warned me about the big hill at the beginning! Yikes! I just kept thinking, “It will make me stronger”. Whatever works.
Catheine: Still not so sure what you love about Franklin St!