Week 5 – You thought you’ve run hills?

This week we finally make it into Breakheart, the nastiest hills of the MRC SLR program yet one of the favorite places we visit. The downside of this week’s route is that the short route doesn’t get to experience any of Breakheart. I suggest those that want to run about 6 with us through Breakheart plan on meeting us at the J Pace’s parking lot at the LynnFells Parkway and Main St in Saugus. Run to the water stop, through Breakheart and back to the water stop, then run back to J Pace’s to finish up.

The tip of the week is to eat along the way. Most of you have been drinking but now it’s time to start taking a snack to help you get through the miles. Try a Snickers or some jelly beans this week to get ready for Gu in the upcoming weeks. If there’s a snack you like while you run and we don’t have it either suggest it today and I’ll try to buy some or bring it and we’ll add it to the bin.

Water Stops: This week there is one planned at Wakefield HS that we’ll stop at twice. Rick has offered to host this stopfor us (Thanks Rick). Walt offered as well, but what I would like Walt to do is drop his car over at Nahant & Main in Wakefield. This will give us an extra drink along the way. All that will be there is water. Also, if you get thirsty in Breakheart there is a water fountain at the headquarters on the Saugus side. This should get us through without any troubles.

Rick, please confirm you’ll be with us tomorrow. Thanks.

Walt, let me know if you want to pick up supplies (water/cups) here or if its easier for you just to buy a gallon of water and cups on your own.

Ok, Who’s in? ROLL CALL!!!

19 Responses to “Week 5 – You thought you’ve run hills?”

  1. ginny rowe says:

    I’m in. Hope the weather is a repeat of today:)

  2. Walter Drag says:


    I’m in for the Long Run and will park it at Main/Nahant, either in the DD or across the street based on your recommendation. May I pick up supplies from you? I can stop by your home ard 725-730… then I’ll catch up.

    We have been so lucky to run in such good summer weather… take advantage of Sunday morning.

    Much thanks, Walt

  3. Lauren Cossette says:

    I’m in but I’m already dreading the hills. Breakheart isn’t one of MY favorite places – !

  4. Nancy says:

    I’ll be there

  5. Demi Dubois says:

    I’ll join you for most, if not all!

  6. Catherine Kane says:

    Hi, finally able to make a SLR and ready to attempt the long route! Hills do love you back! They are more bearable with company!

  7. Peter Fopiano says:

    I’ll be there for the full run. I can never remember how many darn hills there are in breakheart though…

  8. Sue Clough says:

    I’m in…we’ll see for how long. LOVE this route (except Farm Street)

  9. Rick Collette says:

    Hi All, I am in for what ever is needed. Jim, if you need me to be at Brueggers before 7:45, leave a message on my home phone. I am at Liz’s (pet sitting) and I will check my phone in the morning. 781-246-2624


    PS Leave your cell number and I’ll call you back if you need.

  10. Dave Hayes says:

    See you tomorrow!

  11. Matt Sazama says:

    I’ll be there!

  12. Joanne Piper says:

    I’m be there- my best excuse to eat snickers!

  13. Joanne Piper says:

    I mean I WILL be there. Can’t see the keyboard-my eyes are old…

  14. Christina Antico says:

    I’m in!

  15. Jim says:

    Walt, bucket’ll be on the front stoop. Rick, as long as you’re there by 8:00. Everyone else, see you in the AM!

  16. Donna Leggiero says:

    Jo-Ann D and I are planning to run the 6.3 mile route from Breuggers.

  17. Wayne Higgins says:

    I’m in… See you there.

  18. Nick Lamberti says:

    Out today, ankle still swollen from last Sunday! Better luck next week!

  19. Dave Hayes says:

    I’m fried…. an afternoon of zomby-naps and canteloupe. I couldn’t be happier.

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