Week 5 – The plan goes on as…. planned

Now that last week has alerted everyone to look for last minute changes on the blog, there will be no last minute changes this week. The running routes are 14.6 miles and 7.1 miles. For the most part they follow the same route as 2 weeks ago along the old Melrose Half Marathon route, with a little extra done up front. It’ll be a chilly start but overall a nice day to run. Hopefully the sun gets rid of some of the ice on the sidewalks to help us get our run in safely.

Who’s in?

19 Responses to “Week 5 – The plan goes on as…. planned”

  1. Christina Antico says:


    I’ll be there on Sunday ready for the 14 miles!

  2. Joe Terranova says:

    I’m in for 14+.

  3. Lauren Cossette says:

    Barry and I are doing the Stew Chase so we won’t be able to make it. I’m looking forward to joining everyone again next week. Have a great Superbowl Sunday everyone!

  4. Nick Lamberti says:

    I should be there!

  5. Ginny Rowe says:

    I’ll be there, too!

  6. Sue Clough says:

    Looking to do 9-10.

  7. Carol Carstensen says:

    I’ll be there.

  8. Joanne Piper says:

    How about 10 Sue? There might be more than one Slacker’s Hill tomorrow!

  9. Rebecca Pouliot says:

    I’ll be there for the half route.

  10. Demi Dubois says:

    I can’t make it for 8 am :(. If anyone wants to run later, I’m planning on 14 around 12 noon. Have a great run, everyone!

  11. Nancy says:

    I’ll be there

  12. Brian Gilroy says:

    I’m in for 16ish.

  13. Ed Torres says:

    Jim, I’m looking at 14+. Let me know if you need WS help.


  14. Jim says:

    Oh! Water stops! I knew I was forgetting something.

    I’ll park over at the usual Highland Ave stop. I’ll need someone to pick me up (Ed?). Also if someone can park their car at Grimsby’s we can drop some supplies at your car and ride you over to Brueggers too. Who can help out?

    I’ll check back in about an hour to confirm plans.

  15. Mary Corbett says:

    I (the new girl) will be there for 7.

  16. Lois says:

    I’m in for 14+ and I could leave my car at Grimsby’s for a WS.

  17. jose viveiros says:

    thanks all i’ll be there for the 14

  18. Jim says:

    Ok, the current plan is that I’ll pick up Lois at Grimsby’s, so her car will be there as an extra water stop. The Kandlers will meet us at Brueggers and drive out to Highland Ave to the usual water stop spot for us, as we go out and come back from Spot Pond.

    See you soon.

  19. Sue Worrall says:

    I’m in ….. hoping for 10

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