Week 5- Super Bowl Sunday Run

First off… GO PATS!

Second off… Unbelievable turnout last week, over 40 runners on a mild winter day attacking the hills of the old Melrose Half Marathon course with strong, determined runs. With such a big group there seemed to be a lot more sizable groups coming through the water stops, meaning most people had a few people to train with. That led to a lot more support and seemed like a good deal of happy runners despite the challenging route. Afterwards we flooded Brueggers with coffee orders, fun conversation, and even an ugliest marathoner toes challenge. The winner… Judi Chiavetta by a landslide. Keep those compression socks on lady!

Third off… You might be thinking “Wasn’t last week Week 5?” Yes it was, but I forgot that due to a strange occurrence in the moving date of the Boston Marathon a “Week 0” was put in so we could always start the first week of January. This was a year we would skip Week 0, but since I wasn’t observant enough and we ran it any way. So you got a bonus week of training in and we’ll all be the better for it.

Ok, now down to business… This week we’ll be doing a Breakheart route. If you’re running short the route is, to be blunt, boring. You head up to the old J Pace’s corner via the LynnFells Parkway, back Howard Street and out the LynnFells Parkway by the High School to Grimsby’s, left onto Wyoming and left on Main back to Brueggers. There will be no water stop support on that route.

An alternate short route is to meet the group at Water Stop 1 at 8:30. Run Breakheart, run out to Wakefield Center with the group but turn on Nahant to head back to Water Stop 1 to finish. This route gives you a water stop. That’s what I plan on doing. You can either meet at Brueggers and car pool over or just meet at Wakefield High School.

Now for the long route: Starting at Brueggers, head up Main St, after Ell Pond cut over onto Green St and turn right onto the LynnFells Parkway. Continue out to Main St in Saugus and turn left. There is an empty lot there, and a strip mall with a Dunkin Donuts, a pushcart lunch place, a bank, and a liquor store. Its where J Pace’s used to be. Follow Main St as it turns into Farm St until you get to Wakefield High School and water stop 1.

From there you head up to the Wakefield entrance to Breakheart Reservation. Entering Breakheart keep right and run the full loop around counterclockwise. You’ll hit some challenging hills quickly. Seriously challenging. There will be a spot where you bear right to continue out by the main office of the park. Run along the parking lot in front of the office and left back into the path to the “flat side” of Breakheart. This will wind towards the beach area. Keep right at the beach to lead back to the Wakefield entrance and back to the water stop.

Next head right onto Farm Street and turn left at the end onto Water St (Rte 129). This will bring you into Wakefield Center. Turn right LEFT onto Main Street and head back to Melrose. You’re done when you hit Brueggers!

So if you’re in, let me know if you’re running short or long, and if you’ll be running the alternate short course (because I’ll need water stop supplies for you in that case). So who’s in? ROLL CALL!!!

(Did I mention GO PATS!)

26 Responses to “Week 5- Super Bowl Sunday Run”

  1. Haecha says:

    I’m in for the FULL but have the right to change my mind if it suits ME! AND GO PATS!

  2. Lois says:

    GO PATS!
    In for the full. might even start early to add some miles.

  3. Lisa Hentschel says:

    I’m in for the Full…… GO PATS!!!!!!

  4. Sue Clough says:

    I am going to copy Jim but with the option of running to breuggers for a longer version

  5. Joe Winslow says:

    I’m in for the full….GRONK!!!

  6. Dorota Bulik says:

    In for the full. Love Breakheart 🙂

    Jim, you forgot to mention triggering a speed detector by the Wakefield HS. The record stands for what 17m/hr?

  7. Beth Dunne says:

    I’m in for something, probably starting at Wakefield HS. Jim, do you need help with a water stop there? Let me know if I can help – I don’t have supplies but I could pick them up from you at Bruegger’s.

  8. Joe Terranova says:

    i am in for full.

  9. Carol Carstensen says:

    In for the full – see you tomorrow am!

  10. Betty Cooper says:

    I’m in for the full!

  11. Nancy says:

    In for the full

  12. Carleen Melkonian says:

    I’m in for the full I hope if my calf holds out. Can’t wait

  13. Joanne Piper says:

    Pretty sure I’ll be at Wakefield hs at 8:30 to do the short version.

  14. Marianne Feran says:

    I think I’m in for the full. I can’t tell my beagles that I am going to BreakHeart without them.

  15. Anthony Capua says:

    Going long like Brady!!

  16. Thuy Dang says:

    In for the alternate half! Go Pats!! Jim, I think from Wakefield Center we go LEFT onto Main St. to Nahant or straight to Brueggers…

  17. Ed Bradford says:

    I’m in for the full.

  18. Jim says:

    Thanks Thuy! Fixed it. If some people get lost we’ll find them running around the lake. See you at Wakefield HS.

    Beth, I’m not running long so I’ll be doing water stop shopping at Shaw’s after I send the runners on their way in the morning, you can come along or just meet us at Wakefield High School.

    See you all in the morning.

  19. Peter Fopiano says:

    I’ll be there for the full!

  20. Brian Walfield says:

    Thanks Jim. I’m in for the full.

  21. Audrey Hanscom says:

    I am in for the full.

  22. Gail Severt says:

    I am in for the full. Not looking forward to that mile of hill in Breakhart.

  23. Michelle Palmer says:

    In for full

  24. Beth Dunne says:

    Ok Jim – sounds like you are ok with the water stop so I’ll take the opportunity to sleep an extra few minutes and meet you at 8:30 at the Wakefield HS. Thanks!

  25. Lauren Cossette says:

    Well, I was pretty excited for the boring, flat route but since everyone else is running the alternate half in Breakheart, I suppose I’ll join in for the torture. See you all at the HS at 8:30!

  26. Lauren Cossette says:

    Last minute change of plans. I can’t make it this morning. Looks like I get to miss Breakheart after all. See you all next week!

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