Just like in football you show up and put in the maximum effort you can to make yourself the best you can be. You show that drive to improve, get stronger, build endurance, all with an eye towards that final event in which you hope to shine your brightest. Like football, last week was a quiet week, but we’ll all be back for the Super Bowl Sunday Long Run.
This week’s run is 12.5 for the long runners, 6.3 for the half runners, and has options for distances in between. The group will start out running up Main Street to Ell Pond, bearing right onto Green Street, turning right on to the LynnFells Parkway, continuing to a set of lights where they’ll turn left.
If you’re running short turn left on Howard Street and follow that back to Green Street. Turn right at the lights onto the LynnFells Parkway, running past Melrose High School to Grimsby’s where you’ll turn left onto West Wyoming then left on Main Street to finish up your route at Brueggers.
If you’re running long you’ll keep going straight on Main Street in Saugus, continuing as it turns into Farm Street, and make your way to the water stop at Wakefield High School.
After the water stop you’ll head up the hill into Breakheart where you’ll complete the outer loop. The map says go counterclockwise but I’m sure you’ll run around it however you please. Once you finish the loop head back down the hill to the water stop.
Now you’ll leave the water stop continuing down Farm Street, turning left at the lights on to Water Street, then turning right on Main Street in Wakefield Center. Main Street will take you back to Melrose, back to Brueggers.
I believe Hank will be assisting me with the water stops.
Roll Call! Who’s in?
Go PATS!!!
IFTF! Go Pats!!
IFTF- Go Pats!!!
In for something in between!
Julie and I are in for something in between!
Thanks Jim! Go Pats!!
Jess and I are doing something in between!
Thank you.
In the full. Thanks
In for the full. Thanks Jim!
Angel and I are in the for the short. Thanks, Jim! Go Pats!
IFTF Thank You!!
In for the full. “We’re onto Breakheart, ahem, Atlanta!”
Go Pats!! 🙂
P.S. left on Main
IFTH. Thanks!
Me, Jen Dodge, Bethany, and Andy are in for the full.
In for whatever Jim says I should do 🙂 Probably for something in between.
I’m in for some
In for the half. Thanks Jim!
Brian S myself and 2 friends are in for the half… Derek is hoping to make the half as well
In for the half. Thanks Jim!
In for the half!
In for the full, thanks Jim and Hank!
Marian and Maria are IFTF. Thank you!!!
IFTF, thanks.
IFTF – and a big win. Let’s go Pats!
In for the half. Thank you!
In for something in between.
IFTF…Go Pats!
IFTF. Thank you, Jim!
IFTH. Gooooooo Pats!
Mary & I are IFTF. Ty!
IFTF! Thanks!
IFTF. Thanks!
IFTF, thanks Jim!
Sorry for the late response! I’m iftf. Freddi is too.thanks Jim!!
In for the full. Thanks Jim
I can finally say I’m in for the half!
I’m in for a little more than the half route. Thanks, Jim and everyone for the water stops!