Sorry for the late post this week, I’ve been waiting to see what the weather report is…
Last I checked, as everything south of us gets slammed with 2 feet of snow, the high pressure that’s keeping it cold here will mean we have only flurries in our future. For the first time this year this cold has been a good thing! So what does this all mean, it means (unless I hear its icy there) that the long runners are headed to Breakheart for the first time this season. Something some people are looking forward to while others are dreading.
The shorter distance runners can do one of two things, run the posted 6 mile route, which turns off the main route pretty early and unless I get an extra volunteer won’t have a waterstop, or do what many do and carpool from Brueggers over to J Pace’s in Saugus where we turn off the LynnFells Pkwy. If you join in there and run Breakheart with us you’ll run about 7 miles and get 2 water stops!
Speaking of water stops, I believe Barry is available to help and if that’s true, that’s all I need.
Cold weather. If anyone has any tips for the less experienced long runners, post them here. There is a link under the weather outlook on Sunday Long Run main page “What to Wear” that lets you plan your running clothes based on the weather conditions you input. Basically dress in layers, you’ll get hot and cold at different times throughout the run.
Some will be testing out their racing skills at the Great Stew Chase tomorrow, but let’s see who’s planning on running with us tomorrow. ROLL CALL! Who’s in!
Im in for the water stop!
I’m in for the long run…YAY Breakheart, I’ve missed it so!
I’m up for the long run. Ran in “Breakheart a week ago. It was a lttle touchy. Some ice and snow. Has anyone run it since then? I’ll give it a try!
In for the long and running 5.5 in front in anyone would like to start w me at 715 a.. will catch up to our group. Jim, if you need wstop assistance… pls let me know. Thanks and til Sunday mornings wind chill.. wd
YAY Breakheart (i say that now wondering how i’ll really feel about it later)!
I’m in for the full, plus some added on at the end to make about 18.
Looking forward to it, despite how much i’m hating the cold at the moment.
I plan to make my MRC debut with a (very slow) go at the long run. I usually run in the afternoon so cold-weather tips are definitely welcome.
I will introduce a friend for his first run with the club in the morning so he can check out how great it is to run with you guys. I cant run myself so if needed I can do a water stop.
Four of us ran our long run at Plum Island today. Tomorrow – I’ll probably end up inside Breakheart for a couple outer loops before ice skating. Have agreat time!
I’m in for 12.5. Jim, call me if you need water stop assistance. Worcester area code + 414 4220
I won’t be able to be there; I’m at work all weekend. Have a great run, everyone!
I’ll be there for the ~7 through breakheart (I think I forgot how bad those hills were) and I’m bringing a friend who’s interested in the club. He runs about a 10 min mile. Find me at Brueggers if you run that pace and don’t mind hanging with us.
I am in for the half.
I’ll be there – bundled in many layers – but I’ll be there!
Sorry, running early and closer to home with Rose. Have a great run everyone, see you next week!
I’ll be there, and adding on with Lois at the end
I’m in for the 12.5. Love those hills!
Barry and I will be there. We’re also looking to add on at the end for a total of 18. Unfortunately, vacation didn’t do good things for our training so it should be interesting to say the least!
Count me in as well for the full 12.5!
Hi Guys!
Out today, need to stay on this side of the world, will try to run 2 hours on the treadmill in a tank top & shorts!
Am in. See you there.
Hello to all,
Hope you all had a good run. I was unable to join in the week- I spent
12 hours at Winchester Hospital yesterday with my mom and was very tired. Also, I have been dealing with a bad cold. However, I did get out later to do a round
at spot pond. Not the same without all of you.
I hope to see you all next week except for those of you doing the 20miler.
Have a great time-stay warm-be safe and RUN,RUN,RUN!
GOOD LUCK See everyone else next sun am.
Have a great “snowless” week
Hey Michele – we missed you today. sorry to hear your mom was not well. see you soon!