Last week we did a flat 10.7 mile run to Wakefield. Most of you seemed to handle it with ease, letting it serve as your recovery from the week before. This week we stretch the miles out a little further with a 14.1 mile run to Woburn. Yes you can run far enough to get to Woburn and back!
The route starts at Brueggers and south on Main St to West Wyoming Avenue where you’ll take a right. Pass Grimsby’s and continue up Pond St to Spot Pond. Turn right and follow up past the zoo in Stoneham, crossing Main St by Friendly’s, continuing as the street changes names to Park St as you pass the entrance ramp to I93. You’ll hit a set of lights at the intersection of Marble St, where you turn left and head over I93. The street will become Forest St as you enter Winchester. The first water stop will be at Eugene St off of Forest.
If you’re running short you’ll head back to Marble, cross Main St onto Summer St. Stay on Summer until you hit Franklin St and turn right. This will bring you past Stoneham High School back into Melrose. When you get to Main St turn right and run until you get to Brueggers.
If you’re running long you’ll get to that part later, but first you’ll run down Forest St. Enjoy this mile long downhill, you’ll be back and it’ll be an uphill next time. You’ll eventually get to a set of lights at the corner of Washington St where the Gingerbread Construction Company is. Turn left here and run a few blocks until you get to Cross St where you’ll go right. Cross St will bring you into Woburn. You’ll get to a set of lights at the intersection of Main St in Woburn where you’ll go right. A quick left onto Lake St will bring you to Horn Pond. Keep running on Lake St until you get to the parking lot at the pond, water stop 2 will be there somewhere.
Enjoy a nice short loop around the lake. Come back to the water stop if you like, or turn left when you get back to Lake St and run back to water stop the way you came (right on Main, left on Cross, left on Washington, right on Forest, and up a big hill) back to the first water stop.
From this water stop you’ll go where the shorter distance runners went (Forest turns into Marble, which turns into Summer. Right on Franklin, right on Main, back to Brueggers)
If you’re running shorter and want to see the more scenic part of this run you can opt to run the middle of the run. Park at water stop 1, run the Horn Pond section back to your car.
Water stops. I’ll handle the Horn Pond stop. If someone leaves their car at water stop 1 I can leave supplies there. If not, I’ll need a volunteer to help with this stop. Let me know who can help out.
There are many people on vacation so let me know who’s in so I can buy the right amount of supplies. Who’s in? ROLL CALL!
No vacation for me. I’m in for the full.
Jim, I can help with the water stop…Sadly 🙁 still can’t run! See you in the AM.
I’m in for the full.
I’m in for the full.
Got my run in early this morning–hope everone’s hydrating today!
Planning on being there for the full but I am debating trying to get an early start.
I plan on doing the full.
Won’t be there this week…running a half in Rockport. See you next Sunday.
I am in for the full.
I will miss this week. Have a good run.
I am in for the scenic half; starting from waterstop 1, around the Pond and back to waterstop 1.
I may start out early, around 7:00. It’s suppose to be more humid tomorrow.
looking ti do the full.
I will be there for my 1st Sunday Long Run. I will plan to do the full but not run around the pond to make it only 12 ( I am due to do 11 for my 1/2 training this week). I will see you there!
I always miss the horn pond run. ‘this year is no exeption as I am signed up for the Swimsuit clasic 5K in Wakefield but I am hoping to catch up with you guys right after the 5k some where in the course if possibble. So I am a maybe for the scinic section. Enjoy you runs.
in for the scenic half
I will be running the Short route officially starting to train for my very first Half Marathon at the end of October!