Week 3 – To the Lake and Back

Despite the crazy triple digit heat over the past few days, I think we’ll hit a relatively cool spot for our run on Sunday Morning. Temperatures at the start of the run are forecast to be 75 and as long as we finish within 2 hours we’ll be back at Brueggers before it hits 80. I did check the hourly forecast to see what difference it would make if we started an hour earlier, that would be 73 degrees at the start and 79 by the finish. Not really worth the confusion. So 8AM start it is!

The run will take us straight up Main St to Wakefield. The water stop will be at Nick’s Pizza at the corner of Nahant and Main St. From there the short route will turn right around and head back to Brueggers. There is a middle distance option as well, continuing up Main St to the lake, left on church, left on North to bring you back to the water stop. This addition will make the total distance 8 miles.

The longer runners will leave the water stop and head up to the lake and keep on Main St to the right of the lake. A full loop around the lake will bring them back on Church St where they’ll take Common St and merge back onto Main St to the water stop. From the water stop the route will take them back down Main St to Melrose finishing the 10.7 mile run at Brueggers.

As for the water stop. I’ll pick up water, gatorade, candy, and gu for this week’s run. If Brian volunteers again, I’ll drop the bucket of supplies off at his car, if not I’ll need someone to pick me up at about 7:45 and bring me back to Melrose. Post the options here and I’ll coordinate it all later tonight.

So who’s in for the Sunday Long Run?! ROLL CALL!!!

27 Responses to “Week 3 – To the Lake and Back”

  1. Dorota Bulik says:

    In for the full 🙂 I can pick you up from Nick’s Pizza

  2. Haecha says:

    Hi Jim,
    I’m available to help you with the water stops. I did my long run Friday and it was the 12.4 so I need another day of rest before I do 10 miles. I’ll fit it in this week. Let me know where you would like me parked and I’ll be there! ciao Haecha

  3. Audrey Hanscom says:

    Hi Jim, I’m in for the half…maybe the 8.

  4. Beth Dunne says:

    I’m in for the full.

  5. Catherine Kane says:

    Hi, I’m in for the full. Looking forward to a cooler run, see you in the AM!

  6. Kristen says:

    I am in for the half or middle route

  7. Carol Carstensen says:

    I’m in for the full. See you all tomorrow!

  8. Joanne Piper says:

    Janice and I need to do 13 and need a head start. We’re leaving Brueggers early. See you on the route!

  9. Brian Walfield says:

    I’m in for the full.I can drop off my van if needed but it sounds like it might be covered. Let me know tonight and I’d be more than happy to drop it off. If not i’ll be at Bruegger’s at 8.

  10. Joe Terranova says:

    I ran it this morning. Taking Christopher to camp tomorrow morning. Run well everyone.

  11. Ann Carroll says:

    I’ll be there for at least the half, maybe 8.

  12. Sue Worrall says:

    I’m in for the full

  13. Lois Parker Carmona says:

    i’m in for the full. yippee.

  14. dave hayes says:

    See you tomorrow!

  15. Ed Bradford says:

    I’m in – probably for the full.

  16. Maryanne Martin says:

    In for the half and maybe a little more. Haech, I’ve got a folding/card table you could use for the H2O stop. Text if you’d like me to bring it to Bruegger’s.

  17. Sue Clough says:

    In for whatever my body allows 🙂 Looking forward to being on the road with everyone. If it is really hot when I wake up, I might start early

  18. Nate Johnson says:

    I’m in for the short….

  19. Diana Mirabello says:

    Count me in for the full

  20. Jim says:

    Ok Haecha, thank you for volunteering for the water stop. I’ll bring the supplies. I’ll try to remember to throw an ice pack in the bucket as well, to add a little cool to the beverages. I didn’t get around to picking up any new gu today but we do have a few left over from the winter.

    See you all in the AM! Pre-hydrate!

  21. Haecha says:

    I can bring a bukcet of ice if we need it. Not sure if the runners like the water ice cold? And Maryanne I think I’ll be okay just have everything in my back in the trunk. Thanks for the offer.

  22. michele deangelo says:

    Going to the beach. Heading to Spot Pond at 6:00 if anyone is interested.
    See you next week. Have to take advantag of this great weather.
    I can’t seem to forget the awful winter.
    Run safe, and hydrate!

  23. Lee Romprey says:

    In for the full. Gonna be there at 7am for an extra 6 miles before joining the group if anyone interested in joining me for some extra miles.

  24. Nick Lamberti says:

    Hope to make it. No bball again this Sunday.

  25. Matt Sazama says:

    Count me in for the 6 mile route!

  26. Rachelle Horwitz says:

    Looks like my comment never made it in but I am in for the full. Looking forward to seeing you guys!

  27. Jpse Viveiros says:

    I am going for the full + some extra if I have the energy.

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