This week the Sunday Long Run returns to Sunday morning, 8AM at Brueggers. We’ll be making our first trip of the season along parts of the old Melrose course of the Law Enforcement Half Marathon, which moved to Wakefield for a few years and then moved again becoming Boston’s Run to Remember. Of the three versions of this race the Melrose course was the hilliest, a common theme for our Sunday Long Runs.
The full route this week will take us out West Wyoming Ave to Grimsby’s where we’ll turn left to follow the Fellsway East. Two big long hills will take us into Malden where we’ll come to a rotary at Highland Ave and turn right to water stop 1. Short runners (by distance not height) will continue straight to Pond St to Grimsby’s following the LynnFells Pkwy to Melrose St where they cut up to Main St and back to Brueggers for 7.1 miles. Longer runners will make a clockwise loop around Spot Pond and return to the water stop. Any runner looking to do a 5 mile run can meet at the water stop and run the pond loop with us. From there we’ll return by cutting up North Border Road and back through the hills on the Fellsway East to the Lynn Fells all the way to Melrose St where they’ll cut to Main and return to Brueggers too. If that didn’t make any sense to you see the maps for Week 3. If it still doesn’t make sense print out the map and ride the route. This route is the basis of a lot of our training runs so you should familiarize yourself with that area.
For the water stop we’ll need at least 1 volunteer. If someone would like to do just the pond loop they could meet us at Brueggers at 8 to pick up the water stop supplies and meet us on Highland Ave near the Mobil Station by the Flynn Rink. If nobody volunteers to do that I’ll leave my car there and someone can pick me up and drive me back to Brueggers before 8. In addition, when its warm, we sometimes have an extra stop at the parking lot on the opposite side of the pond near Friendly’s. It won’t be warm by any stretch of the imagination so unless someone feels strongly about the extra water stop we’ll skip it.
Any questions, comments, volunteers?
Who’s in? Roll Call!
Cannot make Sunday but will be the forward scout on Saturday for the 12.5. Hope to see everyone next week.
I’m in for the 12.5. Brrr….
It is looking like I might be able to make it Sunday for the short route
I won’t be able to make it. Ill be in Conway playing in the Mountains.
See you on Tuesday!!
Hello All, I am NOT doing a race this Sunday. :
That be me, Rick Collette. Not the other guy with the stiff fingers because he just came in from the cold. Baby it’s cold outside!!
So I will do the water stop.
Count me in for the short route.
I’m not doing distance lately, but still do a short jog a few times a week. I’ll try to come out once in a while this season for a shortened route.
If you are ever strapped for water stop help, let me know and I’d be happy to do a rolling stop or whatever is necessary.
Based on the forum posts, I gather Ginny and Nick are going to do the Boston Marathon — have fun!!!
good luck to all!
Well, if it’s going to be a balmy 19 degrees at the start, I don’t know how I could say no:) I’ll be doing some extra in prep for Derry.
I’m in for the long run!
I’m in for the long run, but might cut it short at 9 if I can figure out a route, if not I’ll suck it up and do the 12. Lauren’s out there as I type doing her long run because she can’t make it tomorrow.
Scouting Report:
Well, pretty frosty for certain, but manageable. Not a whole lot of wind and lots of sun. Went at 10:30 and added a mile so a fair amount of traffic. Road conditions: Wyoming sidewalks very icy and road pretty narrow. You all should fare better at 8 tomorrow than I did today at 10:30. No problems on Lynn Fells or Highland Avenue….very icy out to 93, then great on west side of pond….the ice pretty bad on the east side of the pond……so best of luck to all….stay warm.
I think I will be there for the shorter run but please don’t wait for me if I’m not at Bruegger’s!
Joe’s report is so enticing, how could I miss this one
Hoping to make it, but I’m fighting a nasty cold so I’ll wait until tomorrow morning to decide.
Oh yeah, a real “Must-Do”…..
I’m planning to do the long run. See you all at 8.
I’m in. I am hoping for 15 if the weather is ok.
I’m in.
Planning on being there but not sure if the weather will make getting to Melrose difficult. Otherwise its 12 miles on the treadmill! Ugh!
Planning on being there but not sure if the weather will make getting to Melrose difficult. Otherwise its 12 miles on the treadmill! Ugh!
I was actually toying with coming, but Salem called a snow emergency and so my car will be stuck in my driveway. Can’t imagine that my neighbors will be too pleased with me waking them pre sunrise to get my car out. If by some stroke of luck i can get out, I’ll meet you, but don’t wait for me. Sorry Judi
I’ll see you at Brueggers!
I hope to be there weather & sickness permitting. They’re predicting 6″ – 9″ of snow for us tomorrow and I’m fighting a cold. Hope to see everyone at Brueggers tomorrow.
I’m waiting on the weather to decide how to do 8-9 miles. Plan B is to just go down Main st toward Lake Q and back. Plan C is the gym! If I’m not there by 8:05, it’s the gym for me.
I’m thinking about joining you guys at spot pond for 5 miles. If you don’t see me, don’t wait. Not been feeling well.
I am doing a remote long run in weymouth this week. I will be back in a few weeks.
Hockey games, I cannot make the run this morning like I thought. Run safe!
think I’ll wait ’til tomorrow
I was all dressed and ready to go when common sense prevailed:) Enjoy the snow everyone!!!!!
Me, too! I will run around here and see how far I can make it!
Stay safe.