Week 3 – Saturday Morning Long Run

NOTE: This week’s Sunday Run will be run on Saturday. This will allow you to get in a long run and then attend the MRC Summer Party and enjoy a long fun evening without worrying about getting up early on Sunday morning.

WEEKLY ADVICE: This week’s advice is “Eat and Run”. In most social settings this isn’t encouraged but for the SLR it is. Consider the fact that without breakfast you’ll be heading out for the most strenuous part of your week after about 12 hours without eating. Compare that to a regular day, if you had breakfast at 7AM and didn’t eat throughout the day, at 7PM in a hungry state would you even consider running for over 2 hours before you had dinner. That sounds pretty crazy doesn’t it! So remember to eat a good breakfast at least an hour before the start of the run each week. You’ll need to do this the day of your race anyway so its best to figure out what and when to eat through trial and error now.

THE ROUTE: In the spirit of recovering from last week’s run, this week’s run is short and sweet, 6.2 for the half route, 10.7 for the long route. If the memories of last week’s hills are still haunting you, this week is the flatest route we have, up to Lake Quannapowitt and back with a loop of the lake for the long run, no loop for the shorter.

ROLL CALL: Who’s in for the Saturday edition of the Sunday Long Run?

20 Responses to “Week 3 – Saturday Morning Long Run”

  1. Christina Antico says:


    Unfortunately, I won’t be able to run this weekend b/c I’m the manager on duty at the hotel. Everyone have a great run and fun at the party!

  2. Jen Randall says:

    Not sure exactly but may come and do the short route if I can escape my house. Hee hee!

  3. ginny rowe says:

    I’ll be there, and try to get up early enough to eat breakfast. 🙂

  4. Demi Dubois says:

    I’m there! Thanks for switching it to Saturday. Now I can party with abandon… 🙂

  5. Matt Sazama says:

    I’ll be there!

  6. Barry Cossette says:

    I’ll be there to do my first run of the week. Can’t wait!

  7. Joe Terranova says:

    I’m in. Giddyup.

  8. Lauren says:

    I’m in for the full route +. See you in the AM!

  9. Carol Carstensen says:

    I’ll be there too.

  10. Dave Hayes says:

    I’ll be there. The Ultra and Relay will be in progress at the Lake – I guess in the 14th hour or so. Marathon should be over. We might see Rick too! He starts a 2AM support role Sat. morning.

  11. Steph Vasta says:

    Kristen and I will be there all laced up and ready to go!!

  12. Mary Corbett says:

    I have a busy Saturday so I’ll have to miss out–anyone else interested in doing either Sat at 7:00 am or a Sun run??

  13. Jenn Breen says:

    I will be there for the half route

  14. Brian Gilroy says:

    Wow. Glad I looked. Probably shouldn’t of had all that pizza and beer.

  15. Peter Fopiano says:

    I’ll be there for the full route.

  16. Beth Ford says:

    I’ll be there for the short route. see you all then!

  17. Kaj Kandler says:

    I won’t make it today. My electrician did not finish his work yesterday, so they comeback today and I have to make sure no body gets insured. See you tonight.


  18. Jen Randall says:

    I did not make it..My son Jack woke up w/ a fever and sore throat..Never fails when I try to get down to see everyone..Hope you had a great run!

  19. jose viveiros says:

    i’ll be there

  20. jose viveiros says:

    by my self sunday since I mised that you already ran saturday…

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