Week 3 – Going From 12.5 to 10.7

No, I’m not talking about the mysterious loss of air pressure in the footballs used in the AFC Championship game (which everyone won’t stop talking about), I’m talking about the recovery week miles you have ahead of you this week. Last week’s long run was a hilly, challenging 12.5 miles around Spot Pond. This week we have a flat 10.7 miles up and around Lake Quannapowitt in Wakefield on tap. The Shorter distance also has a step back week. After 7 miles last week you’ll be doing 6 this week.

The route, as usual, starts at Brueggers. You’ll head north on Main Street past Ell Pond (don’t forget to give the Clarence DeMar monument a tap for good luck). Keep heading in that direction into Wakefield. As you approach the North Ave intersection where Dunkin Donuts and Jiffy Lube are, you’ll find a water stop on the right in the Nick’s Pizza parking lot. Have a drink and keep on moving.

If you’re running short, turn around and head back to Brueggers. Simple as that. Running long? Keep heading up Main Street through Wakefield Center. Stay to the right on Main Street as you run along the east side of Lake Quannapowitt. Hug the lake with a left turn on Rte 129, and a left turn into the Converse parking lot. There may be snow on the ground so using the path to cut between the office buildings and the lake might not be an option. If not follow the road around, if its clear though feel free to follow the path. Keep running through the lot until you come out to North Ave. Take a left there. North Ave will bring you to a softball field at Church Street. Turn left there and run until you get to the church. Take a right there at the Wakefield Common onto the aptly named Common Street. This will merge you back onto Main Street and back to the water stop at Nick’s Pizza. Have another drink. From there its straight back Main Street into Melrose and into Brueggers.

Water stops. There’s only one this week. I’ll handle it, but will gladly take any help I can get.

It sounds like its going to snow on Saturday so expect slippery conditions Sunday Morning. Be careful, stay on the side of the road, run smart!

Ok, Who’s in for the Miles Deflation Run of 2015? Roll Call!!!

28 Responses to “Week 3 – Going From 12.5 to 10.7”

  1. jeanne boisseau says:

    Jim I can help.

  2. Lori says:

    I’m in for the short run as long as the weather conditions aren’t too bad. 🙂

  3. Melanie says:

    I hope to be in for the short run, provided I am well enough to do it! The course for the 6.2 is perfect!

  4. Michelle says:

    I am planning on doing the short run but might do the modified 8 mile route depending on the weather.

  5. Regina Curran says:

    Weather depending, im in for the half! Thank you

  6. Tom Gorman says:

    I’m in for the full.

  7. Donny cranley says:

    I am in for the FULL!

  8. Jessi Marquardt says:

    In for a fun cold slippery long run…hahaha

  9. Bobby says:

    I’m in for the full

  10. Jessica Crispin says:

    In for the short run if it’s not too slippery. Thanks

  11. Krissy N. says:

    I’m in for the full. Thank you!

  12. Greg Carson says:


  13. Rowena Hakkaoui says:

    IFTH. Thx!

  14. Bill Riley says:


  15. Erin Fopiano says:

    Peter and I are in for the full. See you in the morning.

  16. Ryan Burke says:

    What time do we meet at bruggers?

  17. Elaine Scadding says:

    I’ll be doing the long run close to home this week. Have a great run everyone!

  18. Audie Bridges says:

    In for the full, streets permitting.

  19. Leon Romprey says:

    Judi and IRIFTF. Slush snow ice and all !!!

  20. Michele DeAngelo says:

    I’m in for something slow….

  21. Ed Bradford says:


  22. Jeff Cook says:

    In for a slow full

  23. John E. says:


  24. Jeanne Bousseau says:

    not going to make it after all this morning, Jim

  25. Dan Slattery says:

    I’m in for the short +????

  26. Joe Winslow says:


  27. Mariko Weston says:

    Hey I’m a member of wicked and would love to join you guys for long runs. What time do you start? I get out of work at 7am on Sunday’s.

  28. Jim Carson says:


    Unless otherwise stated we meet every Sunday at Brueggers in Melrose at 8AM. Come join us, the more the merrier.

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