Week 2 – Spot Pond

First, a public service announcement: Last Saturday Melrose was enforcing the 3hr parking limits and issuing tickets throughout the day. Whether this will occur on Sundays too, I’m not sure, just be aware. Other than that it was a great kickoff to the SLR’s Fall 2017 season. I estimate about 30 runners hit the road and got their first training run in on the road to Baystate (which btw I have the wrong week down for Baystate, it’s one week later so adjust accordingly) or Chicago.

This week, ironically Sunday July 16th is the 82nd anniversary of the first parking meter, and we’ll be parking behind Brueggers once again and heading out for a long run. This week’s route is 12.5 miles for the long run, 7.1 for the shorter route.

We’ll start out heading south on Main Street, turning on to West Wyoming Avenue and running to Grimsby’s. Turn left there onto the Fellsway East. Reacquaint or introduce yourself to the hills of the Fells, they are your friends, they make you a better runner, be positive, keep your posture, and head through them as you make yourself to the Highland Ave traffic circle. Turn right there onto Highland Ave and run another half mile until you find the water stop on the left side of the road.

After the water stop, if you’re running short, you’ll continue through a rotary onto Woodland Road, along the Melrose side of Spot Pond (referred to by me as the front side of Spot Pond). Turn left onto Pond Street, back down to Grimsby’s where you’ll turn left onto the LynnFells Parkway, and make your way past Melrose High School. Turn right onto Melrose Street and right on Main Street to return to Brueggers.

Long runners, after the water stop turn left at the rotary on to Elm Street where you’ll circle Spot Pond. Go to the end of Elm Street, turn right onto the Fellsway West and follow that under I93, past the Sheepfold at the Fells, over I93 and carefully across an off ramp of I93. Turn right into a parking lot at Straw Point at Spot Pond. There will likely be a bonus water stop there if a volunteer shows up. (Tom or Hank or both?). Continue through the parking lot, turning right as you exit to pass Stone Zoo and continue up to the Flynn Hockey Rink. You’ll pass through the rotary again and find the water stop on Highland Ave still waiting for you.

After this stop you’ll turn left onto East Border Road and up to the Fellsway East. Turn left at the lights there and go back through the hills, past Grimsby’s onto the LynnFells Parkway, and past Melrose High School. Turn right on to Melrose Street and right on Main Street and make your way back to Brueggers.

Ok, Who’s in? Roll Call!

29 Responses to “Week 2 – Spot Pond”

  1. Nicole j says:

    Running long

  2. Marianne Chmi says:

    IFTF:-) Thanks Jim!

  3. Tom Gorman says:

    Jim I can help with the bonus water stop.

  4. Regina Curran says:

    Hi Jim

    Julie and I are in for the full please! Thank you

  5. Matt Kerton says:


  6. Erin Dirks says:

    Oscar and I are in for the long run

  7. Paul Locke says:

    In for the half

  8. Lauren Cossette says:

    Barry and I are in for half!

  9. Thuy Dang says:

    Full plz…ty!

  10. Donna Leggiero says:

    Audrey and I are in for the half. – Thanks!

  11. Stanley LeFave says:

    Myself and ray IFTF thank you

  12. Jeff Rushton says:

    IFTF…thanks JC!

  13. Mary O'Connell says:

    In for full. Thank you!!

  14. John Bradley says:

    I step back to 10 miles tomorrow – is there a good point to cut the run short and be back at Breuggers, or should I just hop in around the 2.5 mile mark?

  15. John Bradley says:

    Never mind. I’ll start and end a JJ Grimsby’s a few minutes after 8. Should be fun watching most of you pass me LOL.

  16. Christina DiCalogero says:

    Jess and I are in for the half. Thank you!

  17. Annmarie O'Connor says:

    I will run on Sunday not sure long or short

  18. Barry Cossette says:

    I’m in for the half.

  19. Heather Lane says:

    IFTF. Thank you, Jim!

  20. andy nagelin says:


    Thanks Jim.

  21. Lee Romprey says:

    IFTF. Thanks Jim.

  22. Donny cranley says:

    In for half

  23. Donny cranley says:

    And thank you!!

  24. Donny cranley says:

    And thank you!!w

  25. Lois says:

    In for the half. maybe with Pam!

  26. Diana Mirabello says:


  27. Amy Giuliano says:

    IFTF! Thank you, Jim!

  28. Lynda Field says:

    In for the Half! Thank you!

  29. Amanda says:

    Yaaaaay I’m in Hopefully finishing the full!!!!

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