Week 2 – Hot Run Around Spot Pond

Last Week – We got off to a good start. Over 20 people started their training with a nice weather day for a Sunday Long Run. Half the group opted to stop a little early. The sun was shining and temperature was normal for a July day in New England. Tom helped out at water stop 1 and Lois handled water stop with Joe T. A bonus stop was thrown in along Main Street to help offset the rising temperatures.

This Week – We’ll be back at Brueggers to step up the distance and take on Spot Pond. It’ll be pretty hot on Sunday so there is a chance we’ll start super early to beat the heat. I know some are talking about a 6:30AM start. I’ll let Lois decide whether we move the official start to an earlier time or not. Watch the comments below and Facebook for that announcement. The half run is about 7 miles, the full about 12.5. Generally every other week of the long run will step up 4 miles and then the next will drop down 2 miles as we walk to 22 miles. Meanwhile the short run will step up 2 and then step back 1 headed towards an 11 max before their race.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Start – Leaving Brueggers we will head south on Main Street (in the direction of Malden), past Dunkin Donuts, and turning right on West Wyoming, like the start of the MRC Summer Route. West Wyoming will take you out to Grimsby’s where you’ll turn left onto the Fellsway East. Two hills will great you on the Fellsway East which you’ll hate, but maybe someday you’ll grow to love. Ignore the incline and enjoy the feel of running through the Melrose section of the Middlesex Fells. Eventually you’ll go through an intersection with a set of lights and come down to a traffic circle in Medford where you’ll turn right on to Highland Ave. Follow Highland up towards Spot Pond, finding a water stop on the left right before a rotary by the Flynn Rink.

Half Finish – After the water stop, the short runners will continue straight through the rotary on to Woodland Road, running past the Flynn Rink. Follow this to Pond Street where you’ll turn right and head down a steep hill to Grimsby’s. Turn left there and follow the Lynn Fells Parkway past Melrose High School, after which you’ll turn right on Melrose Street and then take a quick right onto Main Street to finish up at Brueggers.

Full Route 3 – The long runners will leave the water stop and turn left at the rotary on to Elm Street. Run to the end of Elm Street and turn right onto the Fellsway West. This will bring you through another portion of the Middlesex Fells, up what we’ve named Slackers Hill after that urge you get to walk instead of run up the hill, keep running. You’ll then cross under I-93, past the Sheepfold, and over I-93. Watch on your right as you cross an off ramp from I-93, cars come down there very quickly! After that you’ll want to turn right into the Straw Point parking lot. There will be a water stop there, so grab some water and keep going through the parking lot to Pond Street. Continue right to keep circling Spot Pond, pass the Zoo, continue straight as Pond Street becomes Woodland Rd, up to Flynn Rink, through the rotary and back to the water stop at Highland Ave.

Full Finish – After the final water stop you’ll cross Highland and take your first left on East Border Road. This will bring you up to a set of lights where you turn left to get back on the Fellsway East. Ride those two hills back past Grimsby’s and onto the Lynn Fells Parkway. Run past Melrose High School, turn right on Melrose Street, and right on Main Street which will take you back to Brueggers.

Water Stops – Lois is in charge of setting things up with help from Dan. We’ll need volunteer help over the next few weeks while I’m out, and really throughout the whole program. These water stops don’t just happen, people need to help each other out.

Roll Call! Those are the plans, who’s in?

23 Responses to “Week 2 – Hot Run Around Spot Pond”

  1. Yvonne Liu-Constant says:

    Starting at 6:30, and in for as long as I can. Excited to be back!

  2. Regina Curran says:

    Hi Jim & Lois. Thuy and I are going very early to try get get done before
    Its too hot! Thank you and have a safe run everyone.

  3. Dan Slattery says:

    Hello all.
    I’ll confirm with Lo/Jim, but as of now, and with enough runners, I’ll forgo running, and drive the course, providing hydration, etc. between water stops, and a vehicle to jump in if you say “no mas” (no shame in that!).
    Stay cool and hydrated SLR’ers! 🙂

  4. Haecha Donnelly says:

    I’m starting early to try and beat the heat. Thanks Jim, Lois & Dan!
    Stay safe and HYDRATE!!!

  5. Dave Bryson says:

    I won’t be running this week, but I can do a water stop. Let me know where and when.

  6. Judith Dolan says:

    Leave Brueggers at 6:30 with some others. Mike will be at Walgreen’s Wakefield for water stop. Doing the Main St to lake route . some may be looping the lake too.

  7. Liz says:

    Sorry folks ima cold weather runner, going to the gym with Diana this week. See you all Tuesday night

  8. Sarah Pilcher says:

    IFTH. I’d like to start early. Perhaps I’ll try to start with whoever is leaving at 6:30 am. Thanks!

  9. Jessica Crispin says:

    Hi All. Christina and I plan to run some of the long run. Starting from the first water stop on Highland at 630. I will leave my car there with water Gatorade and snacks for anyone that needs it. I will leave a purple mrc towel in the window.

  10. Monique Plourde says:

    IFTH, I can start at 6:30 too.

  11. Lois Parker Carmona says:

    Okay, looks like we have enough interested in a 6:30am start. The official route it to Spot Pond – run by it for the short run, run around it for the long run. I can handle the Highland Ave stop (Jess and Christina, I am not trying to steal your thunder, but should have some supplies and possibly ice). I will need help with the Straw Point stop (Dave Bryson?). And I am liking Dan’s idea of him being a roving water supply/support car (who might end up being an extra stop at the knoll).

    Okay, stay on top of your hydration tonight and sleep as well as you can. Tomorrow is not the day to push the pace or add any miles. It will be dangerously hot. If you can push your long run off to Monday or Tuesday, you should.

    I will be at Bruegger’s ready to send runners off at 6:30am.

  12. Dave Bryson says:

    Lois. I will be at Brueggers at 6:30.

  13. Star Lizard Alpha says:

    Looks like I’ll be there for the full

  14. Judith Dolan says:

    Thanks for the early start. See you at 6:30

  15. Michele DeAngelo says:

    I’ll decide in the AM.. my original plan is to be on the road at 6:00am.. not thrilled about the hills..???????

  16. Michele DeAngelo says:

    I’ll decide in the AM.. my original plan is to be on the road at 6:00am.. not thrilled about the hills..???????

  17. Michael McLaughlin says:

    In for the full see you at 6:30. Thanks

  18. Judi Chiavetta says:

    IFTF at 6:30 sharp 🙂

  19. Alastair says:

    Count me in for the 6:30 start! ( then a power nap, most likely ???????????? )

  20. Dan says:

    Heat Miser – bring it on mofo! 😉

  21. Rachel Bandi says:

    Bummed to miss this week (although am I really because it’s so hot??). Jon was his by a car today while training for Pan Mass. He’s down an an arm and a chin.

  22. Maryanne Martin says:

    IFTH! Ty Jim, Lois, Dan.

  23. Jep says:

    Ifth and iftf

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