The Boston Marathoners have their weekend run all planned out, but what about the rest of us? Those running Providence are in for something between 14 and 15, how about the rest of you? Before I make up a map I thought I would get a little feedback from the rest of you on distance and directional preference. I’m thinking we could do a loop around Pine Banks and then out to Lake Quannapowitt… or maybe a run out to Winchester, we haven’t been there in a while. Let me know what people are interested in and I’ll post a map later tomorrow.
I’m up for 12-13. Winchester would be nice. Lake Q would be fine. I’ll run anything except for the old half marathon route. I’ve had enough of those views for the moment.
Ditto what Lois said, Winchester would be nice….I’d like to try for more than 13.1 miles, one 2008 goal to check of the list.
I’m up for 14, anything is fine, we can use my car for a water stop
Jim et al, You want me to staff a waterstop til 945am? Just let me know. Thanks, Walt
OK on the water stop for tomorrow! I meet you guys at Breuggers at 8 AM & go from there!
I’d like to do 12-14 miles tomorrow. I’ll follow where everyone else is going (slowly…)
Ok, I have a 14.1 mile route to somewhere new! We’ll head out Franklin St over to Winchester, then follow Cross St into Woburn, shoot over to Horn Pond for a loop, then back through Winchester the way we came except we head past the Stone Zoo to come back.
I think it’ll be a small group, but anyone interested in doing less can cut back short or meet us at the first water stop and end back there for something just short of 7.
Walt, Nick. We’ll take the help if you’re free. I have the stuff, you two can sort out the duties. I don’t think we can get away with just one helper if the pack spreads out, but you two can work out the details.
Any questions just drop a note here. And bring a copy of the map since we’ll be venturing into some new territory.
See you, 8AM Brueggers!
Okay Jim, I’ll meet you at Brueggers at 8am and then go to my assignment, map in hand…unless i hear otherwise from either you/Nick.
Thanks for the updates,
I’m running an easy 12-13.
Dave Matthews? I am no superman, (or woman)
Wish I could join you in the a.m., but no can do tomorrow. Looks like nice weather and a great route. Enjoy. Just a few weeks before your big day! See some of you Mon. a.m.
Good job Sue! You are right!