For most of our Sunday Runners this is the week. The Boston Marathon is Monday and 20 Melrose Running Club members are ready to go the distance (although some of them don’t know it yet). They’ve trained through snow storms, icy roads, frigid temperatures, and cold driving rain to get to this day…. although some have chosen to move their run to avoid the weather, this week you don’t have the choice of running in the sun on Sunday instead of whatever Marathon Monday has in store for you. They’ve beaten the hills along the Fellsway, the hills of the Winchester Highlands, the hills of Breakheart and even the hills of Newton. They are ready! Good luck to Ginny, Nick and Demi, proudly wearing their MRC numbers this year. Good luck to our Sunday Runners who trained with us week in and week out: Judi, Joe, Brian, Carol, Jose, Christina, Suzanne, and Matt. And good luck to those that stopped in for cameo appearances on Sunday Morning: Katie, Barry, Walt, Gina, Jennifer, and Rick. And good luck to the MRCers running Monday that trained elsewhere, Roy, Ron, and Jackie.
The Sunday Long Run group takes great pride in being part of getting all our runners to the starting line of a marathon. Now its up to you to get yourself to the finish line. Go get ’em people!
Now for the rest of us, there will be a Sunday Run tomorrow morning, 8AM Brueggers. Where we go? How far we run? I have no clue. Let’s see who’s in and there desired distance before we plan the route. Roll Call!
I’m in for 10ish miles
I’m doing 20. Yikes!
Oh and since Barry is working today, I’ll RSVP for him too. He’s planning on 18-20.
I guess I’m in. my calendar says I should be doing 16. I’m happy with a little yes, or a little more, either way is good for me.
Actually, i should be doing 18.
Technical issues sending this – sorry if it is posted more than once…
If anyone is interested in a run from the North End, we can meet at my place (34 Clark St.) at 8:30AM and run through the city. I’ll map an estimated 7 mile route towards Boston Common and Public Garden back to the North End. For those wanting to do 10 miles, you can extend via Charlestown Navy Yard. Coffee back at my place. Let me know who’s coming.
I’ll be there, not sure for how much. Happy to help with water stops too. AND, good luck to the group running on Monday!! One last attempt, as I know I have asked many of you, but I dropped of a pair of black running gloves, and a baby blue long shirt in someones car on that nasty BC run. Anyone have them??
Jo jo and me are in for the North End. If anyone wants to carpool, let us know. I could swing by Brueggers and we’ll meet Joanne at Sears parking lot at 8:10.
I think Nancy, Lois, Lauren and Barry are all looking for a major long run tomorrow so the North End thing probably doesn’t work for them. Sounds very enticing but I’ll stick back and support these guys on there looooong run.
So the plan for the local run: The easiest thing is to do the out to Lake Quannapowitt and over to Breakheart run (see the week 10 map). I know we’ve done that a few times already this winter but for coordination it’s the easiest. When you get back to Main and Lynnfells start following the summer route, turn off at Grove St for about 18 miles, or Sylvan St for just about 19.5 miles, or if you’re feeling adventurous at Forest St for 21. (these numbers are estimates, you mileage my vary)
See you all at Brueggers, 8AM.
Can I entice you with North End bakery items? OK, if not this Sunday we will plan another.
Hope you all had a great run this a.m. Nancy, I’m pretty sure Dave has your blue shirt. He’s been asking around to see who it belonged to.