Week 15 – Good Luck

Soon the taper for our Boston bound friends will come to a close. The easy running accompanied with mysterious aches and pains has allowed all those muscle fibers you’ve been pushing to their limits to regain their strength for the big day. 

Enjoy the experience of your Boston Marathon weekend: the race expo, the preparation, the planning, the boat load of pasta, the bundle of nerves, the Sunday night you go to bed early hoping you’ll get up at 5AM for your trip to Hopkinton, the wee hours of Monday morning wondering if you’ll actually fall asleep before 5AM, that long ride to Hopkinton which accentuates how far from Boston you really are, the energy of 20,000 people chomping at the bit to start that 26.2 mile trek from the country to the city. This is what you got up every Sunday for the past 15 weeks for. This is why you drove to Brueggers by 8AM no matter what. This is why we forced ourselves out into the cold to run nearly 200 miles together. Enjoy it.

To all of you, from the rest of us, we wish you the most wonderful marathon experience possible. It was a pleasure getting you to the starting line, now its up to you to get yourself to the finish line!

Here’s a list of our Sunday Runners (in bold) and other MRC members past and present running Boston:
1591 Dave DeChellis
2216 Alec Bath
2470 Brad Newsad
3017 Barry Petzold
3493 Judi Chiavetta
8836 Erin Moseley
9866 Joe Terranova
15453 Brian Gilroy
15541 Katie Sinnott
16494 Leanne Tierney
17626 Walt Drag
19434 Lauren Reid
22657 Steve Hamilton
23179 Roy Van Buren
23263 Andrew Pate
23385 Tracy Pickering
23462 Ed Torres
25634 Jackie Doerrer-Mullen
26094 Rick Collette

Good luck to all of you! If I missed anyone post a comment to let me know. Also if you want to let the runners know where you’ll be watching (so they can try to look good going by) post a comment.

One Response to “Week 15 – Good Luck”

  1. Andrew Pate says:


    I can’t thank you enough for the SLR (Sunday Long Run) program. My first two Bostons, I felt like I was winging it a little as far as training (although Mary Anne Grande and Andy Goldberg helped me out alot for the first one) and wasn’t sure if I trained enough. This is the first time I can actually say that I have trained hard, smart, and I am fully prepared. I can’t wait for Monday!

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