Week 14 – This is it!

Yes, this is it. After 14 weeks of training, it’s the easy week before the big run! This is what I call “Don’t Do Anything Stupid Week”. Unfortunately I won’t be around to hear about the stupid things you’ve done during your taper but that doesn’t mean you don’t run. Go out there and do an easy run, enjoy the last day of SLR training, and for goodness sake stay safe! I’m far far away so organize this one yourselves. Who’s in, who’s doing water stops, and who’s going to be the one that does something stupid?

17 Responses to “Week 14 – This is it!”

  1. Mary Corbett says:

    Calvin, Dennis, and I will be there for the water stop. Rest up runners–if I understood Walt’s forecast it is going to be good running weather next week.

  2. Brian Walfield says:

    I’ll be at Brueggers with the water stop supplies. I’m also available to help with the water stop if needed.

  3. Nandan Padukone says:

    I’ll volunteeer for the stupid part… I will have to run by myself today since I can’t do Sun AM. It was great fun and thanks for all the runs. I’ll still be gasping up Heartbreak Hill but maybe a little less with all these runs. Have fun tomorrow and see some of you on the 18th.

  4. Betty Cooper says:

    I’ll be for 7.1 ml run. I won’t comment on the “stupid part”, since I don’t want to jinx myself!

  5. Catherine Kane says:

    I’ll be there tom’w, maybe running longer than the 7.1. Thanks for the water stop, Mary and see everyone on a day as nice today!

  6. Carol Carstensen says:

    I’m in for the full. See you tomorrow!

  7. Marianne Feran says:

    According to my training schedule, I’m supposed to do 10 miles (any more would be stupid, right?), so I think I will jump in at the corner of Wyoming and the Fellsway
    Thanks to all for the waterstops, support and advice.

  8. Melisa Thorne says:

    I am in – for the full. See you tomorrow.

  9. Dorota Bulik says:

    I’m in for the full and more 😀

  10. Jackie Ecker says:

    I can’t make it tomorrow but I just want to give a great big shout out to Jim and all the MRC folk who made this marathon training experience for me not only bearable but (dare I say it?) fun. You guys are amazing! And I will see you all on Marathon day.

  11. Jackie Ecker says:

    I can’t make it tomorrow but I just want to give a great big shout out to Jim and all the MRC folk who made this marathon training experience for me not only bearable but (dare I say it?) fun. You guys are amazing! And I will see you all on Marathon day.

  12. Michelle Palmer says:

    Thank you all so much for the SLRs…it was motivating AND fun training alongside all of you! To Jim and all: thank you for your support and especially the water stops – doing some long runs solo, it was clear what a BIG difference you make! Sorry I won’t be there tomorrow…hope to see you at the Marathon! Good luck and enjoy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  13. Ed Bradford says:

    I’m in for the full. As I’m not running Boston, my schedule still calls for more ‘stupid’, so I’ll be adding a few miles on top hopefully.

  14. Lynda Field says:

    I am in for something, likely 7 but could wimp out earlier. Thanks you Jim and everyone my half last week went well!

  15. Barry Petzold says:

    See you guys in the morning! Ill be helping with the water stops!

  16. kim sarno says:

    i am in for the whole run. thx!

  17. Betty Cooper says:

    I know it’s late, but I wont be there. Thank you everyone for all the help with water stops, especially Jim and Barry. Also, the great running friends that kept me company during this springs SLRs!

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