Week 14 – The Last Long Run Before Boston (SATURDAY)

For those running Boston, this is it… your last long run before Boston. Going out the way we came in, we’ll be running our Sunday Run on Saturday. Remember when we were out on the streets on Saturday December 31st right before the New Year rolled in, preparing for a race long out in the future. Now Easter eggs are rolling in this Sunday so Saturday at 8AM we’ll be taking to the streets.

This week we have 12.5 on the docket. This run was a tough 12.5 back in January, hilly and considered long back then. Now this is your easy taper run. Take those hills easy, enjoy the weather, and don’t do anything stupid. This week just get in the miles, keep a decent pace, but don’t push it!!! Save that for a week from Monday.

For water stops, we have one major one on Highland Ave. I’ll probably be taking care of that. If anyone wants to volunteer they can do one at Straw Point.

Who’s in for the Saturday Long Run? ROLL CALL!

14 Responses to “Week 14 – The Last Long Run Before Boston (SATURDAY)”

  1. Brian walfield says:

    Thanks Jim,
    I’m going to have to run early Sunday. Happy Easter! Enjoy!

  2. Joe Winslow says:

    I’m in…
    Is running with Dan Slattery considered ” stupid”?… probably ehh

  3. Lois Parker Carmona says:

    Hope you all have a great-feeling, uneventful, not-stupid run on Saturday. Do watch your footing for any rogue Easter eggs thinking they are gonna hide early. I can’t join you, but i’m getting excited to see all of you who will be out there on Marathon Monday!!!!!

  4. Dorota Bulik says:

    In for the full. Happy taper 🙂

  5. Betty Cooper says:

    I’m in for the full!

  6. Joanne piper says:

    Pretty sure I’m in for the half.

  7. Leon Romprey says:

    Doing mine on Sunday but I may stop by Brueggars. Solid work Jim.

  8. michele deangelo says:

    Hi All,
    I will not be joining you. Running earlier. Hope you all have a great Easter weekend. Jim, thank you for another great season…. on to the next. You rock!

  9. Dan Slattery says:

    Is running with Dan stupid? Yes, it is. …and running a half marathon can qualify someone for Boston…things that make you go hhmmmm – in for the full & more

  10. Kaj Kandler says:

    Doing the full. 🙂

  11. Judi Chiavetta says:

    I’ll be there for all the fun!

  12. Lisa Hentschel says:

    I am doing the Great Bay race today…. only the 5k. Thanks for everything Jim I’m ready for the 16th to get here!!!!

  13. Thuy says:

    In for half. Thanks

  14. Mike Hartin says:

    Prince Alphonse and I took to the Pond 12.5 route earlier today. A first for me! I have to say that after a lot of long staring matches over the past few months it is nice to announce that the Fellsway Hill and I are now friends.

    Good luck to everyone this coming week – hope to see the troops after 8pm on Tuesday.

    Where the hell was KofC’s Jimmy? There was no Bruins game on.

    Mikey H.

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