Week 14 – The Final Training Run

This week is the final run of the Fall 2011 Sunday Long Run Marathon Training Season. This week we’ll give people a bit of a break. Although the plan is to run the Melrose Half Route, some of us are nursing injuries that hills will just irritate further. In the spirit of not doing anything stupid right before a marathon, instead of that route we’ll be running a nice, flat 10.7 mile route up to Lake Quannapowitt and back, and people can add some Melrose back roads to tailor the distance to something a little longer if they feel like it.

To handle this route I need just one water stop volunteer. I think BrianW is on board but  keep your eyes on this blog if you might be able to step in if needed.

Hope to see you all tomorrow, 8AM, Brueggers for one last hot long run. Who’s in? ROLL CALL!

13 Responses to “Week 14 – The Final Training Run”

  1. Lois Parker Carmona says:

    Yay – a different route for our final long Sunday run before the big one! Looking forward to doing JUST 10.7. Yay!

  2. Diana Mirabello says:

    I’m in. I’m be tacking some extra on before and after though

  3. Brian Walfield says:

    I’m in for the water stop! I might run around the lake?
    I’ll see everyone at 8.

  4. I’m in, happy it is the last training run! Thanks for changing the route, Jim! See you all at 8 am.

  5. And thanks for the water stop, Brian!

  6. Jeff Rushton says:

    I’m in…thanks for removing the hills!!! See you at 8. Thanks again Brian for the water stops.

  7. Judi Chiavetta says:

    Feeling hot, hot hot!!!! Why should this Sunday be any different 🙂 I’m in for the full.

  8. Michele deangelo says:

    Doing the BAA1/2. have a good run.
    See you all soon

  9. Lee Romprey says:

    Wouldn’t miss the last one !!!

  10. Sue Clough says:

    I’m in. Thanks Jim for easing up and thanks Brian for water stop

  11. Dorota Bulik says:

    I’m in for only 10.7mile

  12. Andy Nagelin says:

    I’m in for 10.7.

  13. Carol Carstensen says:

    See you all tomorrow!

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