Week 14 – One More Time

Ok kids, this is it! For those running Boston this is your last long run before the really long run. Last week was your first taper run since the 22 and you all looked thrilled to be trotting along a new route out to Horn Pond. We had a visitor covering you all for the first time, Toni Ann, and she soaked in your enthusiasm as you traveled over 14 miles like it was nothing. You inspire awe in others. Enjoy that feeling.

This week we’ll head out to conquer the hills of the Fellsway East one more time as well as your last loop around Spot Pond for a while. We’ll head out north on Main Street. Pass Ell Pond and give the Clarence DeMar monument a tap as you go by. This season you haven’t seen much of Clarence, his monument being buried under feet of snow for the last 10 weeks. Fitting it reappears just prior to the marathon. Clarence DeMar won Boston several times wearing a shirt with his hometown Melrose written across the chest. His victories coupled with Bill Rodgers make Melrose the city whose residents have won the most Boston Marathons. A little luck from Clarence will send you along the way to a left on Melrose Street and another left on LynnFells Parkway. Follow this out to Grimsbys and on to the Fellsway East. Fly over the hills to the rotary where the newspaper boy sits and go right on to Highland Ave and find the water stop.

After the stop everyone heads to the front side of Spot Pond, by the Flynn Rink. Yes half runners, like you always do. No long runners, don’t go Elm Street. This time you’re going counterclockwise around Spot Pond. Take Woodland Road up to Pond Street. Long, keep heading up to the Zoo. Short, turn right on Pond and continue onto West Wyoming. Left onto Main will bring you back to Brueggers. The long runners will continue past the Stone Zoo, left into the Straw Point parking lot over to Rt28, Main Street in Stoneham. That left will wander past the Sheepfold of the Fells and up and down a few hills on the backside of Spot Pond. This are would look familiar if it was covered with 10 feet of snow like it has been all winter, but finally all should be clear. Turn left on Elm Street, up, up, up a hill back to the rotary at Highland Ave. Go right and the water stop will be back in front of you.

After that stop go left at East Border Road, and left again back onto the Fellsway East. Ride over those big hills one last time and make your way to Grimsby’s. Turn right for your last mile of your Sunday Long Runs if you’re training for Boston. It’ll take you to Main Street where a left will complete your training at Brueggers.

Again, this is Don’t Do Anything Stupid Time so just enjoy the fact that this run, which seemed very difficult about 11 weeks ago, is a nice easy run. I hope to see a bunch of smiling faces with bodies ready to tackle Boston a week later. Its been a fun, adventurous, challenging winter. Finish strong and healthy as we finally move in to Spring!

OK, who’s in for the last official Sunday Long Run of the Winter of all Winters 2015?! ROLL CALL!!!

(There may be a few more unoffical SLRs for those training for other marathons, we’ll talk later)

30 Responses to “Week 14 – One More Time”

  1. Paul Locke says:

    Need water stop help?

  2. Jannel says:

    I can help with water stops

  3. Tom Gorman says:

    I’m in for the full

  4. Regina Curran says:

    In for the half Jim please. Thank you!

  5. Jim says:

    Water Stops: I’ll give Jannel the honor of hosting the first water stop as she has graciously done just about all winter long. Back in January, out of the blue, she volunteered to do the first water stop without any prompting. Through the harshest winter we’ve ever seen she had her car shoveled out, cleared off, and trunk space cleared to serve up beverages and snacks. Each year making sure the water stops are manned is a big job and I’m very appreciative of the fact that she lightened that load from me. Thanks Jannel!

    We’ll do a water stop at Straw Point as well. I was planning on moving over to there, but Paul you are welcome to join me. It’s totally up to you, but I’m sure a few people would appreciate a couple of your awesome pictures of their last training run before Boston. Paul, a past SLR marathoner, has been there for us the second half of the training season and even took over the reigns the week I couldn’t make it. Thanks Paul.

    That should have the water stops covered, but I also want to give a shout out to Jackie and Christopher for keeping water stop 1 well covered each week. Jackie is another veteran SLR marathoner, its good to see the runners give back and man our water stops.

    Thanks also to all the others that have stepped up this season to keep the water and gatorade flowing. As mentioned this was the hardest winter in the 9 years we’ve done this, but it was the easiest to manage due to the commitment of so many willing volunteers. Your help is always very much appreciated.

    Thank you,

  6. Bill Riley says:

    IFTF thank you to Jim and all the volentiers for all teir help

  7. Michele DeAngelo says:

    Still in Florida… Have a great run. It’s been a training season for the record books.. Sorry to miss the last one..huge thank you to Jim and all the MRC volunteers. Good luck marathoners see you all at Heartbreak Hill….
    Boston Strong!!!!!!!

  8. Matt Kerton says:


  9. Kerilyn says:

    I’m out of town for the weekend and sad to be missing the last run before Boston 🙁

  10. jeanne boisseau says:

    Did mine today- family commitments tomorrow. Have a great run everyone!

  11. Mike Sikkema says:

    In for the half, maybe a little more. Thanks!!

  12. Rob says:


  13. Rob says:

    Apparently runner emoticons don’t translate too well

  14. Jackie says:

    Hi Jim, I can help Jannel with water stop 1 again, as usual. We are quite the team! And thank you for the shout out too….. 🙂

  15. Dorota says:

    In for the all the hills. Gotta give those running Boston a proper send off. Hats off to all the water stop volenteers. A big thank you, or “dziekuje” in my local dialect :0)

  16. Jessi Marquardt says:

    Iftf after running 9.5 before (doing my 22 miler) eeekkk!!!! Thank you to all the amazing volunteers!!!!

  17. Kris van Herp says:

    Big thank you to Jim and everyone who has volunteered this winter. I developed bronchitis this week, so decision to be made in the am, but hopefully IFTF! Looking for some luck from Clarence!

  18. Don Keren says:

    In the full, thank you Jim, water stop volunteers past and present, and everyone else who runs or doesn’t. It’s been a great season and I’m proud to know you all!

  19. Elaine Scadding says:

    I’m IFTF!

  20. Brian Walfield says:

    I’m hoping I’m in for something? Thanks to all the volunteers.I can’t believe how many long runs that I have made it to this season.
    Life is good!

  21. Ashley DeAcetis says:

    IFTF!! I can’t believe it’s only one week away!!! A huge thank you to Jim and all the volunteers! I couldn’t be here without you guys! Let’s go get em tomorrow!

  22. Krissy N. says:

    Krissy and Kenny are IFTF. Thank you, thank you, thank you!

  23. Jen d says:

    I’m in for the full. Thank you jim and all the volunteers for your time and dedication.

  24. Judi Chiavetta says:

    Lee and I are IFTF. Thanks to all!!!!!!!

  25. Gail says:

    In for the full. The last long run of the season makes me sad. Love my Sunday AM runs with my awesome running buddies

  26. Anne Fortier says:

    In for the half. Thanks!

  27. Kris van Herp says:

    No go for me today. Good luck and have fun on the last SLR!

  28. Julie Galvin says:

    In for the half. Good luck to all those running Boston and thanks to all the volunteers!

  29. Dan Slattery says:

    In for the half +. I’ll echo Julie Galvin verbatim! 🙂

  30. Jannel says:

    See everyone on Highland

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