Week 14 – Last Stop Before Baystate

While some are running Chicago or the Mohawk, others will be finishing up their last taper. I have to apologize, I’ve run low on water stop supplies. I can drop some gatorade at Erin Lynch’s (check your doorstep in the morning) and Ginny has a bucket that’s probably empty by now. You should have a small crowd for a relatively short run, so pick up some water and maybe some gu and you should be able to make it.

Have a great last training run Baystaters, keep on chugging away Cape Codders, New Yorkers, and Manchesterers!

13 Responses to “Week 14 – Last Stop Before Baystate”

  1. Catherine Kane says:

    I am in and can do a water stop.

  2. Trevor O'Shea says:

    count me in “last sunday run for baystaters” yup yup:)

  3. Ginny Rowe says:

    I have one of the containers, and I’ll refill with water and gatorade. There’s six gu’s, several gu blocks and sports beans that John contibuted last week. There’s plenty of snickers, swedish fish, fig bars and pain reliever. So, if there is anything else specific you would like for the 12.5, you may want to pack it for your run. I can park my van at the Highland Ave water stop, just need to be picked up and brought back. See you Sunday.

  4. Nick Lamberti says:

    Thanks for filling for JIm, I will running the BAA half tomorrow!

  5. Carol Carstensen says:

    Ginny, I can pick you up. See you tomorrow.

  6. Joe Terranova says:

    I am in…let me know if you need help or rides re: water stops.

  7. Andy Nagelin says:

    I will be there. 1 week to Bay State!

  8. Sue Clough says:

    I’m in and can pick up someone if needed. I’ll check back later

  9. Ginny Rowe says:

    Thanks for the offers to pick me up Carol and Sue. It’s probably easier for Carol, since she lives close to the WS. See you at 7:45 on Highland Ave., near the mobile station.

  10. Erin Lynch says:

    I will be there. I have the water stop bucket from Jim and have added gum drops, gu and Gatorade.

    I will be doing a water stop as well.

    We should figure out who is doing what water stop. I am flexible.


  11. Erin Lynch says:

    If I am reading the map correctly, it seems that there is only one waterstop which we go to twice. That is where Ginny/Carol are putting there cars. There is no need for Catherine or I do a waterstop then, right? What I can do is meet Ginny/Carol at 7:45 at the Highland Water Stop and drop off the supplies. Sound good?


  12. John Lynch says:

    I am in…look forward to seeing you all….

  13. Ginny Rowe says:

    Hi Erin,
    Sounds good, but probably not necessary. I think I have enough supplies for this group for tomorrow, so you won’t have to meet us at the WS. Carol is going to meet me to bring me back to Brueggers. If you have any extra gu, you could meet us just to be on the safe side for supplies. If not, we’ll be fine. There’s plenty of other things to get us through the run. Thanks. See you in the a.m.

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