Week 14 – Last Official Training Run

With marathoning and half-marathoning season in full swing, congrats to all that ran a marathon or half last week and a good luck to those running one this weekend! For the rest of you, its the last official run of marathon training season. It is the week to reflect back on a very hot day in July when we ran a hilly route and you wondered how you would ever make it through all these tough miles. I told you it would get easier and it would get cooler. Now its mid-October, it is in fact cold out by my calculations and this week should prove it got easier. We’ll be running the same roads we covered in week 2 (although in a slightly different order since no two runs during your training were exactly the same) and I guarantee it will seem simple, especially if you’re training for Baystate.

The route starts up Main St towards Ell Pond, give the Clarence DeMar marker a tap for one last good luck, and continue up to Melrose St where you go left. Another quick left and you’re on the Lynn Fells Parkway. Past the high school, through the hills, past Grimsby’s and through some more hills, run until you reach the rotary at Highland Ave. A right onto Highland will bring you up to water stop 1.

From water stop 1 go straight past the hockey rink along Woodland Ave on the Melrose side of Spot Pond (the front side). Yes, this is the week we go all the way around the pond in the opposite direction than we typically go. Keep going around the pond and after you crest the hill on Elm St take a right at the little rotary back to the water stop.

From there you take the left on East Border, climb the swear-at-jim hill and note that you’re less inclined to swear at me because you’re a better runner than you were when we started this 14 weeks ago. At the set of lights turn left, a quick little jaunt through the last real hills of the Fall 2012 season will bring you back to Grimsby’s, a right onto Wyoming takes you back to Melrose, and a left on Main St will bring you back to Brueggers!

The shorter route (unfortunately those are tougher to make different every week) will be one you’ve run before. Run with the long runners until you get to Pond St, turn right there and come back Wyoming to Main for about 7 miles.

Water Stops: this week I believe I’ve got them covered, but I do enjoy company so stop on by if you like.

Brunch: Not this week, but we’ll be having the SLR post training season brunch in a few weeks. I need a volunteer to host, and then its up to each of you to bring your goodies and your race stories and we’ll celebrate another season of training.

So who’s in for the run? ROLL CALL!!!!

11 Responses to “Week 14 – Last Official Training Run”

  1. Carol Carstensen says:

    I’m in for the full. Thanks Jim once again!

  2. Joe Winslow says:

    In for the full…one last time.

  3. Sue Clough says:

    In for a spot pond loop. Will start around 8:40 from Highland

  4. Betty Cooper says:

    Will try to stop by for a WS visit.

  5. Christina Antico says:

    I’m in for the full.

  6. Paul Locke says:

    I’m in for the full. See you at 8:00!

  7. Lois Parker Carmona says:

    i’m in for a water stop visit and a little run.

  8. Gail severt says:

    I’m in for the full — gail

  9. Ed Bradford says:

    In for the full.

  10. Sue Worrall says:

    In for the half I think….can host brunch

  11. Lizzy Barber says:

    I’m in for the full.

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