Week 14 – Adieu, adieu, to yieu and yieu and yieu

You have made it this far… One more long run and then its time for all this training to pay off!!!

And good luck to everyone running the BAA Half this Sunday!!!

There will be one water stop at Highland Ave, which I’ve got covered.

I’m planning on biking the Bay State course during the race on the 17th for some picture taking and some support. If you have anything you would like me to carry for you (Gu, Snacks, etc), please get it to me on Sunday or Tuesday.

See you Sunday morning!!


17 Responses to “Week 14 – Adieu, adieu, to yieu and yieu and yieu”

  1. Kristen says:

    I will be there for the last long run this Sunday. Barry I would like you to bring rollerblades for me next Sunday so I can hook on to your bike and be dragged thru the course.

  2. Allison Cunningham says:

    Ha, ha, Kristen, that’s awesome! I may have to join you with that…c ya all Sun! 🙂

  3. Nancy says:

    us Philly folks wish this could be the end, but we’re in the thick of it. See y’all Sunday for your taper, and raise ya 7+ to make it an even 20. Good luck to the BAA crew, and thanks to Barry for all the help this season!!

  4. Dorota Bulik says:

    Where is the party or I’ll have a withdrawal syndrome requiring treatment 😉
    Running BAA

  5. Sue Clough says:

    I’ll be at Brueggers at 8 for four easy 5 milers!..fingers crossed. Good luck to all running the BAA! Remember you can still join us after your race is over 🙂

  6. Mary Corbett says:

    I am already in withdrawal. I definitely want to join you Philly folks. But first there is the little matter of Baystate . . . I’ll be there Sun for the taper run, to give stuff to Barry, and to beg for a ride to Lowell. Anyone?

  7. Betty Cooper says:

    I’ll be there tomorrow. My half is on 11/4, so I need to do the 11.1 mile training route. Not sure if I’ll add to the 7.1 or walk/run the last 1.4 miles of the longer run. Good luck to everyone running the BAA!

  8. Catherine Kane says:

    Hi, no late night partying for me tonight so I will make it for the half route. Mary, there are a few of us running Baystate and a few people had said they were interested in carpooling. I am running the half and could be a driver. Thanks for always being out there, Barry. See you all tom’w!

  9. Brian Walfield says:

    I’m in for the long!!

    If we have a group extending their run I’m offering to set up an additional water stop if needed after my run.

    I’m sure someone can give you a ride to Lowell.I’ll be driving up.
    I also hope to do number pick up before saturday.

  10. Lois Parker Carmona says:

    i’m in for 4 x 5miles. or maybe i’ll just do 2 10milers. haven’t decided yet.

    either way, i’m looking forward to a nice crisp fall run! Good luck to all the BAA half folks!

    and Barry, thanks, as always, for your continued support. I won’t take water or GU from just anyone now.

  11. Sue Worrall says:

    I’m in for about 10 or so

  12. Ginny Rowe says:

    I’ll be there for the short route. Wouldn’t miss the celebratory taper run! …and be a small part of the 4 X 5 run!

  13. Audrey Hanscom says:

    I’m in for the half…see you tomorrow.

  14. Lynda Field says:

    I am in for at least 10. It should be perfect running weather. see you all in the am! 🙂

  15. Carol Carstensen says:

    I’m in. See you tomorrow!

  16. liz tassinari says:

    I may not be running but will try to catch up with those doing 4 5milers and offer them some vittles and water as they extend their route

  17. Ann Carroll says:

    I’ll be there, feeling really ready to fo BayState 1/2!

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