Your heart’s beating loud
And goes on getting louder
And goes on even more til the
Sound is ringing in your head
With every step you tread
And every breath you take
 — Iron Maiden
You know we’ve been growing as a group when 15 runners show up and it feels like a small group. Whether they were out running races this weekend or just confusing “tapering” with “sleeping in”, most of our marathoner trainees that ran 22 miles last week were absent this morning. Our BAA half runners all showed up for their taper run before next week though making for a short but lively run for them.
The weather was great for a long run, with clouds keeping the sun from heating things up we started with an early morning chill in the air as temperatures hovered in the low 40s and a breeze blowing occasionally which had us swaying between sweaty to chilly. Heading up East Foster to the Melrose Common we started right off with a hill. The group seemed in good spirits going over stories of kids’ soccer games from the day before, Jen and I both had stories of soccer players scoring goals into their own nets. Heading up to Swains Pond and Turners Pond there was no mistake that fall had settled in with blowing leaves and a chill hovering in the air around the ponds. Twisting through streets we made our way past Oak Grove Cemetery to water stop 1 at Forest St and Main St. Carol’s car played host to the stop this week (Thanks Carol).
The next leg of the run was also hilly, heading over the train tracks at Oak Grove we followed Greenwood St through Malden. As Brian, Demi, Lois and I made our way through the hills we sidestepped the road kill of the week, a squirrel. While commenting on the squirrel an association in Lois’ head caused her to utter “So OJ’s guilty”. She was commenting on OJ Simpson’s recent kidnapping/burglary trial but for a second it seemed like she was accusing OJ of killing the squirrel… which I’m sure he would do at the slightest provocation. After discussing that and other news of the day our pack split in two, Brian and I picked up our pace along the hilly Fellsway East eventually catching Carol while Demi and Lois kept a strong pace not far behind us. Where Washington St meets the Fellsway there was a police radar alerting the cars barrelling down the hill of their excessive speed. These radars are a challenge to me, when two runners run side by side they can trigger the radar and to this day my PR is 8MPH while running with Mike York. With the aid of the downhill Brian and I made a mad dash towards the machine and triggered 11MPH. The momentary rush was followed by some quick math… 11MPH means in 2 hours we could cover 22 miles, add another 4 miles for a marathon… even with a hill and a momentary burst of speed we weren’t as fast as a Kenyan running a full marathon! In figuring that out we kept up a brisk pace to the next water stop, Sue’s car at the knoll by the middle school (Thanks Sue).
Brian and I headed out along the LynnFells towards Saugus. Brian, not training for anything, turned right at Lincoln St to finish up about 10 miles. Our half marathoners were all done with their 7 by now. Sue, Joanne, and Nancy were adding on miles along the summer route. This left me, Carol, Lois and Demi to finish out the long route for the day. I ran out to Farm St in Wakefield alone. The only sight that broke up the run was at the estate near the Saugus/Wakefield line with the statues along the long driveway. There is a column at the end of the driveway with a ball on top of it, today I learned that its a fountain and with the water running the ball rolls along the top of the column. I can’t see putting something like that in my yard but the sight of the ball rolling put the thought of keeping the run rolling as I pushed on, Farm St to Nahant St to water stop 3, Lois’ car at the corner of Nahant and Main St in Wakefield (Thanks Lois).
Carol came into the water stop as I was readying myself for some extra miles. She was running strong on her taper for Baystate and looks prepared. As she headed south on Main St I headed North for a loop of Lake Quannapowitt. As I looped the lake I picked off a couple of runners ahead of me as a way to instigate some speed as well as make it feel like I wasn’t running alone. Another quick stop at Lois’ car followed by a quick finish down Main St, carrying on conversations I would be having had I had anyone running with me. I finished up back to Brueggers with something in the 18 to 19 mile range under my belt. Lois also ran this loop for some extra miles and Liz joined her for the final stretch down Main St.
Back at Brueggers our small group gathered with discussions of the great running weather, our strong runs, and the recent success of the Red Sox in California… hopefully not jinxing any of the those things.
Congratulations to those that took their well trained legs out for a test drive at races this weekend. And Good luck to all who have trained with us for the BAA Half next week. You’re all running strong and are ready for the 13.1 mile challenge you have ahead.
Okay, so those who know me well, know that I always round up the mileage at the end of the day, (Clough it). As Joanne, Julie, Nancy and I were discussing how far we ran with Jo-Ann, Denice, Jen, and Donna, there was some arguing over 8 versus 9 miles, I of course said 9 and the others said “sure Sue” we’ll Clough it, although they were thinking, no way. Well, I mapped our run and we did 8.97 and Nancy doing 10.35, so to Clough it, we did 9 and Nancy did 10 1/2. 🙂
Jim, thanks for organizing another great run. And I’m doing my best to follow your advice – “don’t do anything stupid now!” . I’ll try to just keep repeating it to myself.
Good luck to all those running the BAA half!
Sorry to miss your run (I did actually get to sleep in a little ’til 7:30). I was off running my first 10 miler in Harvard. What a perfect day for a long run. I met up with Beth Ford at the race, too (she knocked several minutes off her last time running this). We were running in stride with each other until the hilly section starting just before mile 5. Then Beth pulled ahead with me in persuit the rest of the way. This race comes highly recommended for anyone that can fit it in their schedule next year. It is by far the most scenic course I have ever been on. There were definitely some challenging hills, but thanks to your training routes Jim, we were up for the challenge. The last mile was a little tough being that it was up hill, but then you figure it’s only 10 miles you can finish strong; plus what goes up must come down and we were rewarded with a nice downhill before the slight climb to the finish. The race was well organized, lots of water, awesome spread afterwards (yummy cookies) and for me the perfect racing distance and weather. This one is definitely on my radar for next year.
Today’s was my best long run evah! I felt great, ran strong throughout the entire 19 miles and could’ve tacked on a couple more to boot. The only downside was not getting to hear any of Sue’s stories or songs on the run!
Special thanks to Jim and to all for making my Sunday mornings awesome. Demi – so nice to share the miles with you. Those of you who were off racing this weekend appear to have had some great runs as well!
Go Sox!
And… I never got to say to all of you who are running the BAA half next weekend… GOOD LUCK – you don’t actually need any luck after all the training you’ve done, but I wish you all remarkable races!
Go out and show everyone what you’ve got! We’ll be with you in spirit cheering you on!
Hi everyone,
Just wanted to thank you (especially Jim) for all your help w/ my training for the BAA. I appreciate all the training, advice, well wishes as well as the water stop help this past season. I could not do it w/out any of you. I hope to have a great run this coming weekend and I will know that you all helped me get there. Thanks again and of course good luck to everyone in their races, whether it be this weekend or another..I’ll be cheering you on in spirit too!! See some of you Tuesday night!
Thanks all for all the help and cheers and incentives to run this BAA Half.. as long as I don’t hurt myself (do anything stupid) this week, then I’ll be completing my first half on Sunday! yay!! I can’t wait to do it with the group I’ve been training with and as an MRC member!
The trainings were awesome.. I’ll be back for a few Sunday runs in the next go around too.. even if I’m not training for something. I won’t be back to the Tuesday runs until next year so I need to do something! Oh, veterans day is a Tuesday and we have that night off from class so I might see some of you that night! And count me in for Mill Cities again too!!
Good luck to everyone in the upcoming races! Thanks again!!
Good luck to all the BAA 1/2ers. Ya’ll seem very ready and very strong. It’s been fun running together. We’ll be raising our cups of coffee as a toast to the group on Sunday.