How (much) : $1 for short, $2 for long, plus $1/gu after your first.
What : About 15 for marathoners, 7 for halfers.
When : 8AM
Where: Starting and ending at Brueggers.
How: You’ll head up East Foster to the Melrose Common. Right on 6th Street, straight on to Swain’s Pond Ave. Right at the stop sign by the ponds to stay on Swain’s Pond. Right on Lebanon and a left at the lights on to Forest. Cross Main Street to the Citizens Bank parking lot for water stop 1.
After that you’ll continue on to Winter Street, passing Oak Grove MBTA Station, and crossing straight through an intersection to Glenwood Street. Keep on moving through the twisty and turny hills until you come out to Highland Ave. Turn right and a few steps later another right to put you on to the Fellsway East. Take those hills to Grimsby’s. If you’re running short turn right onto West Wyoming, left on Main and finish for an easy recovery 7.1 miles. If you’re running long keep on going straight past Grimsby’s onto the LynnFells Parkway. You’ll find a water stop at the knoll across from Melrose High School.
Continue on LynnFells Parkway past the lights at Main Street in Melrose, lights at Green Street, to the lights at Main Street in Saugus. Turn left there, and follow Main Street, which will become Farm Street until you come to Nahant Street, across from Wakefield High School. Turn left on Nahant and a mile later you’ll be at Main Street in Wakefield. Stop at Nick’s Pizza parking lot for another water stop.
Head down Main Street back into Melrose and finish up at Brueggers 15 miles closer to a marathon.
Water Stops: I’ll be driving to Maine while you’re out running so Lois will be coordinating water stops. Two people will get the job done: one at Citizens Bank then Nicks Pizza, the other at the Melrose High knoll stop. Who’s helping?
Who: Let us know who’s running so we’ll have supplies for you. Roll Call!
Running short with an extra mile or two for good measure
In for about 5 miles and 5 GUs
In for 5 miles as well (big day!) and I’ll bring some running fuel from the topsfield fair – fried Oreos Gu, bacon on a stick Gu, fried butter Gu..
I can do a water stop.
I will be there for the short thank you
In for the full. Thanks
Julie and I are in for the short! Thank you Jim and Lois
In for the short, plus a few miles. No need for GU-I’ll steal Courtney’s fried Oreos and fried butter instead.
Running short.
Running short…yay!
I am in for the short plus a few – need to make up for a couple missed long runs.
Mike and I in for the short
In for something between 1/2 and full
I’m in for the short plus maybe a mile extra on each end.
Hi Jim – doing Short route with summer route sort of added on. Thanks!
Planning for the long….. looks like Im gon. na be onely!!!????
In for the long, Judi you’re not the only one!
In for short. Thank you!
Thanks, Tom, for helping me out with waterstopping tomorrow!
In for the short run and maybe a little extra. Thank you
Hi Jim,
Heather Lane and I will join for the (nearly) full (we’ll keep heading North after the 12 mile Water Stop, rather than head back to Melrose.
I’m in for the short! Tx