After last week’s big run it’s time to ease up a bit. This is what I like to call the “don’t do anything stupid” time… which if I could heed my own advice I would have a few more good races under my belt.
If you’re running the BAA half this week you’ll enjoy a nice Swain’s Pond run and a few Fellsway East hills but you’ll be done in no time since the run is only about 7 miles.
If you’re running Baystate or Hartford you’re coming off your 22 miler so we want a nice recovery run of about 14 miles along Swains Pond, the Fellsway, out to Farm St and back Main St.
If you’re running a marathon later in the month or early November the plan is to follow the 14 mile run but add a loop of Lake Quannapowitt while we’re out there.
There will be three water stops: Citizen’s Bank in Malden, the Knoll at the Middle School, and Nicks Pizza in Wakefield. Sue had one water stop bin, Kelly has the other, and I got one back from Nancy. Unless you’re part of the water stop plans this week I’ll need to get those back.
So who’s in, how much, and who wants to do a water stop?
I’m in for the 14, and can do a water stop in needed.
My water stop days are over. My track record sucks… I have all the supplies and can drop them off at Jim’s or anywhere else. I am on call sat and sun night at work. I hope to run on sun morning, but if I get called in for the whole night on Sat I won’t be there. So, I will let you know early sun morning whether to expect me. Hope to see you all sun morning.
I had a change of plans and won’t be able to run with the club tomorrow. I should be there next week.
Not sure what I am doing tomorrow. I might be running the IA 5 miler at 11:30. Will let you know today.
I’ll be there and I could do a water stop. I’m coming from Malden so either the stop at Citizens or the Knoll would be easier for me.
I’m in for the 14+more route. I could be a waterstop, just need some supplies. I’m in and around Melrose later today and tonight – I could pick up supplies from somewhere.
I am in for 8-10 miles or so, I’ll figure that out later. I can leave my car at the knoll if someone picks me up, but I need to be home by 11:15ish,(after having a cup of Bruegger’s coffee, of course!) so if the knoll is one of the later stops, I would need someone to relieve me. If it is easier, I can drop the supplies off to someone. I am off grocery shopping shortly so I’ll check the bin and see what is needed.
Okay, so I just looked at the map, (should’ve done that first) and it looks like the knoll is only around the 7-8 mile mark, so i should be good to do that. i’ll probably add on the summer loop, Bellevue to Porter, etc. to get the rest of my miles in. Can someone pick me up at the knoll?
Sue I can pick you up at the knoll- I promise I will be ontime. Let me know… I plan to run 7-9 miles.
I am up for about 10 miles.
I could do water stop 3 and finish there.
Kelly, I have your shirt and will bring it.
I am in for 7. See you at Bruegger’s.
I am also in for 7 miles.. and will see everyone at Bruegger’s.
If you would like me to do the Citizens water stop, just let me know when and where I could pick up supplies.
I am in for 14. Looking forward to the company…
Carol, I can pick you up at Citizens Bank. I’ll bring the supplies to put in your car.
Sue, let me know if you and Joanne are all set supply wise for the Knoll. I have plenty of gatorade I can swing by your house with if you like.
Lois, I’ll try to get you supplies and perhaps Nancy or Tall Dave can pick you up at Nick’s Pizza on their way in (if they are in fact running).
Thanks all!
HI everyone,
I should be there and planning to do the 7 mile loop.. See you then!
Lois, I can pick you up on my way in. Sue, I was thinking of doing that exact same route for close to 10.
All set for supplies, Gatorade, Water, snickers and cups. (Some GU and swedish fish in a bag).
Kevin and I are both in for the 7.1 mile loop. See you all then.
Ok, I’ll see you, Jim, at Citizens tomorrow morning.
Hello from Portland! I’ll be running the Half here tomorrow, and won’t be able to coordinate on the autos. I start at 7:45, so consider me part of the Sunday run, just using the wrong map. I’ll heed Jim’s words especially – try not to do anything stupid. Enjoy the great weather tomorrow – we earned it last weekend.
I’m in for 7 miles. See everyone at Bruggers @8:00 am
Good Luck Tall Dave!
I plan on being there but not sure how far I am going.
Judi and I ran the Applesfest half today (not together!), it was really fun! Jim, I thought of you during the race and all the hilly routes that you planned and am thankful we did them because it really helped me today. It was nice to enjoy the beautiful weather and the race. It was hard to hold back while everyone was racing!
See you next Sunday!