Week 13 – Taper Time for Most

With Baystate two weeks away, Newport next week, and Mohawk-Hudson this weekend (GOOD LUCK!!!), marathon season is in full gear! This week, with the 22 miler in the rear view mirror, we have a simple taper run in front of us.

The route follows the Swains Pond start up to Melrose Common, right on Swains Pond Road, through the quiet rural part of Melrose, right onto Lebanon, and left onto Forest St to the first water stop at Citizens Bank.

After that its time to run to the High School. Head out Winter St past Oak Grove, cross at the light straight onto Glenwood St. Follow the twists and turns all the way to the rotary at the FellsWay East. Turn right there and meander over the hills and through the woods to the LynnFells Parkway. Keep going until you get to the Knoll in front of the Melrose High School for water stop number 2.

When you’re done there keep taking the Lynn Fells up to the Main St in Saugus intersection, you know, where J Pace’s used to be. Turn left there and run Farm St up to Nahant where you go left and come out by Nick’s Pizza. There will be your last water stop of the day.

From there you know the way home, Main St south until you hit Brueggers! Seems a lot shorter than last week, doesn’t it.

Speaking of short, if you’re running the shorter route, follow the long route until you get to Grimsby’s on the LynnFells Parkway, then take a right onto Wyoming and a left on Main and you’ve completed just over 7 miles. This is a good run for those running a half next week. If your half is the following week you might want to stretch that out. You can continue up past the second water stop and follow the MRC Summer Route as long as you want. To figure out how far you’ve run add 5 miles to the MRC Summer Route distance (ie, the 4.5 mile route would make your total distance 9.5)

As far as water stops go, I think I have it covered myself but I’m always open to help showing up.

Just so we know who’s coming… ROLL CALL!
See you at Brueggers, 8AM!

6 Responses to “Week 13 – Taper Time for Most”

  1. Cynthia Berger says:

    I am running two races this weekend, so I won’t be running Sunday. But, I would love to help with a water stop if you need me.

  2. Carol Carstensen says:

    I’m in. I could leave my car at either Citizen’s or the Knoll if you like.

  3. Joe Winslow says:

    I’m in for the full.

  4. Gail says:

    At least that us the plan. Gail

  5. Christina Antico says:

    I’m in for the full, will try to start around 7:30.

  6. Nick Lamberti says:


    I am sick as a dog. I thought allergy season was over but boy I can’t breathe, can’t hear & probably can’t run. Just shoot me! Good Luck everyone racing tomorrow!

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